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Настройка WampServer

Тема в разделе 'Запуск и Поддержка', создана пользователем Silverry, 24 ноя 2010.

  1. Silverry Ньюфаг

    Сборка бота GHost:
    GhostOne 1.7.266
    Добрый вечер.
    Прочитал инструкцию по настройке данной проги.
    Установил, создал папку в www директории, закинул туда все файлы нужные.
    А что дальше? Я жму Localhost, он требует пароль. Ну я ввел какой-то и мне выскакивает HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error и все. Что я не так сделал то? А, когда открываю PhpMyAdmin, пишет, что страница не найдена и т.д.
    Помогите новичку :opasnoste:

    Еще пробовал вводить по идее, тоже локалхост. Но там у меня просит логин и пароль, я вводил все, что можно, но безуспешно, пишет доступ к запрашиваемой страницей запрещен. Откуда пароль и логин то взять?
  2. fake Старожила

    Дата начала использования бота:
    кака бэ нужно либо создать редирект в корне, либо заходить localhost/twoia_papka
  3. Silverry Ньюфаг

    Сборка бота GHost:
    GhostOne 1.7.266
    Папку назвал Ghost. Пробовал заходить localgost/ghost, то же самое выходит. Типо страница не найдена. Вообще в инструкции написано было "Сделать доступным извне". Это где такое? У меня Вамп на английском. Ну я пробовал тыкать Start all services, ничего не изменилось. Тыкал Put online, выскакивал эррор, мол "Cannot execute a menu item (internal error) [Exception] Could not perform service action: Службы не запущена."
  4. fake Старожила

    Дата начала использования бота:
    если через локалхост то сделать доступным из вне необязательно(правай кнопкай кликни по значку и там будет language)
    какая ошибка появляется в браузере?
    скоприуй текст...
  5. Silverry Ньюфаг

    Сборка бота GHost:
    GhostOne 1.7.266
    HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
    В первом посте писал же.
    Ах да, забыл сказать, что у меня роутер. Может порты какие надо открыть, или что?

    И еще у меня пароль просит какой то. Типо требуется аунтефикация. И по ходу туда любой подходит, а потом
    HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error большими жирными буквами.
  6. fake Старожила

    Дата начала использования бота:
  7. Silverry Ньюфаг

    Сборка бота GHost:
    GhostOne 1.7.266
    эм... спасибо конечно. Но я понял только 30%
  8. JaMpwnz Ньюфаг

  9. JaMpwnz Ньюфаг


    а сюда я залили это

    CREATE TABLE admins (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	server VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	access BIGINT unsigned DEFAULT '4294963199' NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE safelist ( 
    	server TEXT NOT NULL, 
    	name TEXT NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE bans (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	server VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	gamename VARCHAR(31) NOT NULL,
    	admin VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	reason VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE games (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	server VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	map VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	datetime DATETIME NOT NULL,
    	gamename VARCHAR(31) NOT NULL,
    	ownername VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	duration INT NOT NULL,
    	gamestate INT NOT NULL,
    	creatorname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	creatorserver VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE gameplayers (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	gameid INT NOT NULL,
    	name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	spoofed INT NOT NULL,
    	reserved INT NOT NULL,
    	loadingtime INT NOT NULL,
    	`left` INT NOT NULL,
    	leftreason VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	team INT NOT NULL,
    	colour INT NOT NULL,
    	spoofedrealm VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	INDEX( gameid )
    CREATE TABLE dotagames (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	gameid INT NOT NULL,
    	winner INT NOT NULL,
    	min INT NOT NULL,
    	sec INT NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE dotaplayers (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	gameid INT NOT NULL,
    	colour INT NOT NULL,
    	kills INT NOT NULL,
    	deaths INT NOT NULL,
    	creepkills INT NOT NULL,
    	creepdenies INT NOT NULL,
    	assists INT NOT NULL,
    	gold INT NOT NULL,
    	neutralkills INT NOT NULL,
    	item1 CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	item2 CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	item3 CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	item4 CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	item5 CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	item6 CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	hero CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    	newcolour INT NOT NULL,
    	towerkills INT NOT NULL,
    	raxkills INT NOT NULL,
    	courierkills INT NOT NULL,
    	INDEX( gameid, colour )
    CREATE TABLE downloads (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	map VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	mapsize INT NOT NULL,
    	datetime DATETIME NOT NULL,
    	name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	ip VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	spoofed INT NOT NULL,
    	spoofedrealm VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	downloadtime INT NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE scores (
    	category VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    	name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	server VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    	score REAL NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE w3mmdplayers (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	category VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    	gameid INT NOT NULL,
    	pid INT NOT NULL,
    	name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
    	flag VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    	leaver INT NOT NULL,
    	practicing INT NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE w3mmdvars (
    	botid INT NOT NULL,
    	gameid INT NOT NULL,
    	pid INT NOT NULL,
    	varname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    	value_int INT DEFAULT NULL,
    	value_real REAL DEFAULT NULL,
    	value_string VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS originals;
      heroid varchar(4) NOT NULL,
      original varchar(4) NOT NULL,
      description varchar(32) NOT NULL,
      summary varchar(900) NOT NULL,
      stats varchar(300) NOT NULL,
      skills varchar(300) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (heroid)
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E002', 'E002', 'Lightning Revenant', 'Razor is lightning incarnate. It is a living being, capable only of unleashing it''s tremendous electrical power to anything and everything nearby. The only indication of sentience from it is its ability to control its surges, which never seems to actually strike any it would call friend. Like its namesake, it cuts to the bone, with speed and accuracy, sometimes jumping from one thing to another. It''s unnatural form gives it speed, and a thirst for blood. It is a force to be reckoned with, and only the strong dare face it. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 19 + 2.2', 'Learns Plasma Field, Static Link, Unstable Current, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Eye of the Storm</span>.<br>Attack range of 475.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E004', 'E004', 'Bone Fletcher', 'The fire that kindles eternally on the visage of the fallen Elven Archer proves to others that his undeath was a mere genesis. Clinkz seeks perfection in the arts of fletching and never hesitates in sacrificing his own allies for the cause. Still retaining his ability to move with the wind, he is ready to slay the enemy officers with his swiftness and precision in archery. The Fletcher fires arrows that scorch the target with the heat of the Underworld, bringing them closer and closer to their peril. An elvish archer in life, a nightmare in death. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 15 + 1.6<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 3.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.55', 'Learns Wind Walk, Strafe, Searing Arrows, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Death Pact</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E005', 'E005', 'Moon Rider', 'Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune. She fights alongside the Sentinel in the neverending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge. Through her valiant efforts, she has been granted small portions of Elune''s mystical power. Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies. It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon, and is always surrounded by a glowing aura, as though in moonlight herself. Luna is a shining beacon for the Sentinel, an ever vigilant protector. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 15 + 1.75<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 2.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.85', 'Learns Lunar Blessing, Lucent Beam, Moon Glaive, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Eclipse</span>.<br>Attack range of 330.<br>Movement speed of 320.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E00P', 'E00P', 'Twin Head Dragon', 'Originally found gnawing at the roots of the World Tree during an excavation, this magnificent Chimaera''s age is impossible to determine. With his large snapping heads and aggressive, unpredictable behavior, Jakiro is an intimidating creature to say the least, yet is loyal to the Sentinel for reasons all his own. Due to his mystical nature, he has a strange affinity with the elemental forces of ice and fire. This allows him to devastate all in his path, and he is more than capable of keeping his opponents in his line of fury. The Scourge would do best to be wary of this dragon, lest they all freeze and shatter as their precious Frozen Throne melts before their eyes. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 24 + 2.3<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 10 +1.2 <br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 28 + 2.8', 'Learns Dual Breath, Ice Path, Liquid Fire, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Macropyre</span>.<br>Attack range of 400.<br>Movement speed of 290.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E01A', 'E01A', 'Witch Doctor', 'Vol''Jin is a risk-taker. Anyone who has ever crossed paths with him can tell you that. As a voodoo priest, you need a certain degree of it. It''s too bad he never learned the value of discretion. Vol''Jin''s experiments in jungle magic yielded brilliant results- the ability to mend wounds, casks filled with paralyzing combinations of herbs that could scatter for miles, and even a curse capable of stripping the life force from a living being. Of course, no amount of power gained goes without notice. As Vol''Jin''s experiments became more and more unstable and destructive, the Lich King made his move. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 13 + 1.4<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 19 + 2.9', 'Learns Paralyzing Cask, Voodoo Restoration, Maledict, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Death Ward</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E01B', 'E01B', 'Spectre', ' A darkness who was ancient even in the early days of the world''s existence, Mercurial is the embodiment of rage and vengeance in the souls of those long dead. Haunting her enemies with relentless fervor, she is able to throw a dagger-like projectile that allows her to chase her prey beyond physical boundaries, and the fear and the desolation struck in the hearts of those who have the misfortune of encountering her alone is a pain impossible to withstand. Spectre''s thirst for destruction is insatiable, and the upcoming struggle seems to be just what she was waiting for. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 19 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 23 +2.2 <br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.9', 'Learns Spectral Dagger, Desolate, Dispersion, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Haunt</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E01C', 'E01C', 'Warlock', 'Former cultist of the Blacksun, Lannik was among the first of many orcs enslaved by the wretched demons when the Legion''s taint befell the lands of Kalimdor - a dire affliction that grew stronger over the years. Mannoroth''s sudden and unexpected demise severed this Warlock''s ties to demonology, and the absence of its corrupting influenced caused his body to wither onto the verge of death. In exchange for life beyond the grave, he bound a pact with the Lich King. A master of demons and destructive spellwork, this warlock delights in tormenting creatures of the Light, extinguishing them like candles until none are left alive.   ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 18 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 10 + 1.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 24 + 2.7', 'Learns Fatal Bonds, Shadow Word, Upheaval and <span style="color:#ff8000">Rain of Chaos</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('E01Y', 'E01Y', 'Templar Assassin', 'The apprentice of a legendary creature from Aiur, Lanaya is a psychic adept who specializes in strategic assassination for the Sentinels. Her psionic abilities manifest in and out of combat, and can be used to amplify damage while attacking, to protect her from enemy assault, or cloak herself invisibly before lashing out at an unfortunate passerby. And so more often than not, the foes that encounter the Templar on the battlefield find themselves dead and buried, their lives cut short as she fades back into the shadows, waiting for a new prey. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 18 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 23 + 2.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 20 + 2.0', 'Learns Refraction, Meld, Psi Blades, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Psionic Trap</span>.<br>Attack range of 140.<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('EC45', 'EC45', 'Faceless Void', 'They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move... ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.4<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 21 + 2.65<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.5', 'Learns Time Walk, Backtrack, Time Lock, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Chronosphere</span>.<br>Attack range of 128 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('EC57', 'EC57', 'Venomancer', 'For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike enemies with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 18 + 1.85<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 2.6<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.75', 'Learns Venomous Gale, Poison Sting, Plague Ward, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Poison Nova</span>.<br>Attack range of 450.<br>Movement speed of 290.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('EC77', 'EC77', 'Netherdrake', 'A malicious Drake tamed by the Lich King himself, Viper is a fierce, acid-spitting beast whose speed and agility surprises the most hardened of warriors. Cursing himself into a maddened rage, Viper charges into battle without regard of his own safety. His salivary glands produce stinging poison that causes enemies to writhe in pain, severely damaging their nerves. Be careful when facing this powerful monster...its dark silhouette may be the last thing you will ever see. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 21 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.8', 'Learns Nethertoxin, Poison Attack, Corrosive Skin, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Viper Strike</span>.<br>Attack range of 575.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Edem', 'Edem', 'Anti-Mage', 'Twin sons to the great Prophet, Terrorblade and Magina were blessed with divine powers). Terrorblade granted with an unnatural affinity with life forces; Magina gifted with energy manipulation. Magina''s eventual overexposure to the magics gradually augmented his elemental resistances and bestowed him the unique ability to move faster than light  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 2.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.8', 'Learns Spell Shield, Mana Break, Blink, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Mana Void</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE). <br>Movement speed of 320.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Eevi', 'Eevi', 'Soul Keeper', 'Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolise his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 15 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 3.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.75', 'Learns Soul Steal, Conjure Image, Metamorphosis, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Sunder</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Eevm', 'Eevi', 'Soul Keeper','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Ekee', 'Ekee', 'Tormented Soul', 'Torment around me. Torment in me. Torment be with me. And let us conquer our foes. They do not understand our pain. Do you? No. Not a soul can. And for that, We shall make them feel the torment... The torment that inhabits my soul.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 23 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 26 + 3.0', 'Learns Diabolic Edict, Split Earth, Lightning Storm, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Pulse Nova</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Emns', 'Emns', 'Prophet', 'The land is never safe. Furion, therefore, never rests. The leader of all Night Elves, Furion tirelessly works to protect the sanctity of his woods. It comes as no surprise that he who helped defeat Archimonde would be called upon once more in the Sentinel''s hour of need. The fury of nature is at his disposal, the trees come to life at his command, the wind carries him to lands far away, and nature itself strikes all who defy his will. He is more than just a Keeper or a Prophet, he is a savior.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 21 + 2.9', 'Learns Sprout, Teleportation, Force of Nature, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Wrath of Nature</span>.<br>Attack range of 600. <br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Emoo', 'Emoo', 'Enchantress', 'Although all Dryads are Cenarius'' daughters, Aiushtha is said to be his first and favorite. Because of her direct relation to him, she has borrowed much of his powers. This is demonstrated by her control over the shy Wisps which she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, she fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further her target is away. Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 19 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 2.8', 'Learns Untouchable, Enchant, Nature''s Attendants, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Impetus</span>.<br>Attack range of 550. <br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Ewar', 'Ewar', 'Phantom Assassin', 'Pitted against the very society that condemned her to a life of Undeath, Mortred takes delight in the slaughter of her kindred people. Abandoned during their expeditious retreat in battle, she was left to the mercy of the undead. Her twisted fate was merely a sacrifice to them - a tool in slowing their predators'' pursuit. But the Lich King saw the malevolence and hatred within her. He bestowed upon her an opportunity - a vessel of darkness with which to enact her vengeance. Eternally grateful of his service, Mortred hunts her wretched Night Elf sisters from the shadows, fueled by an insatiable desire to seek justice. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 2.05<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 23 + 3.15<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 13 + 1.0', 'Learns Stifling Dagger, Phantom Strike, Blur, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Coup de Gra?e</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 310.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H000', 'H000', 'Centaur Warchief', 'Gifted with a tremendous body and an ever-growing fortitude, Bradwarden''s courage is only matched by the size of his heart. Prophesized as a savior by the oracles of his tribe, Bradwarden is the living token of the allegiance of the centaurs to the Sentinel. He swings his axe with massive force, sometimes even hurting himself when doing so. The ground trembles every time he slams his hoof and his reflexes are impossible to surpass; allowing him to retaliate just after being attacked. Bradwarden is decided to fulfill his destiny, and he knows that the upcoming battle will become his ultimate challenge.  ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.6<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.6', 'Learns Double Edge, Return, Hoof Stomp, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Great Fortitude</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H001', 'H001', 'Rogue Knight', 'A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil.  Armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God''s Strength, Sven''s wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold.', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 16 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 14 + 1.3', 'Learns Storm Bolt, Great Cleave, Warcry, and <span style="color:#ff8000">God''s Strength</span>.<br>Attack range of 125 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H004', 'H004', 'Slayer', 'A renowned pyromancer roaming the lands, Lina Inverse originally joined the Sentinel for monetary purposes. However, weeks turned into months, and fighting alongside the many holy warriors with fearless souls inspired her with the responsibility of protecting the sanctity of the World Tree. With her devastating abilities to summon vaporizing flames, she wreaks havoc among the enemy ranks. In dire situations, she would imbue herself with an ultimate fervor, or even call forth a massive beam of lightning which is said to instantly slay any single foe. A most feared enemy of the Scourge, a most unswerving defender of the Sentinel. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 18 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 16 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 19 + 3.2', 'Learns Dragon Slave, Light Strike Array, Fiery Soul, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Laguna Blade</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H008', 'H008', 'Bristleback', 'The quillboars were never interested in the affairs and wars of other races, but one knew that the Scourge would eventually descend on their lands if left unchecked. Entering the ranks of the Sentinel for the sole reason of the preservation of his tribe, Rigwarl brings primal instincts to the never ending battle. Each time he releases a flurry of quills or a glob of slime, he works himself into a frenzy that increases his effectiveness drastically, and should he be in danger, his bristle back would shield him from further harm. A perfect demonstration of the abilities that even lesser beings can unleash.  ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 22 + 2.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 17 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 14 + 2.8', 'Learns Bristleback, Quill Spray, Viscous Nasal Goo, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Warpath</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00A', 'H00A', 'Holy Knight', 'Prophesying a new dawn, a new world cleansed of the old evils, the Holy Knight''s entrance into the war against the Scourge forever changed the course of history. A crusader riding under the banner of Hextar, the Holy Knight promises ever-lasting glory and redemption for those who march with him, and obstacles ahead to test the faith of all those sworn to forever cleanse evil from the land. Fanatically devoted to his cause, his followers come from every race, every background, and will stop at nothing to see the Scourge destroyed. If ever the redeeming hand of God touched earth, its name was Chen, the Holy Knight. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 20 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 2.1<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 21 + 2.8', 'Learns Penitence, Test of Faith, Holy Persuasion and <span style="color:#ff8000">Hand of God</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00D', 'H00D', 'Beastmaster', 'A wandering vagrant of the Mok''nathal, the fabled half orc-half ogres of legend, Rexxar and his mighty blades have joined the cause of the Sentinel to better protect the natural world around him. A friend of beasts, Rexxar flails and tears at his enemies with unsettling savagery, even going as far as hurling his axes in the manner of boomerangs at his enemies to better his chances at victory. Truly a warrior of the living planet that thrives around him, the Beastmaster is an ally to be counted on when he is needed the most.', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 18 + 1.6<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.9', 'Learns Wild Axes, Inner Beast, Call of the Wild, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Primal Roar</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 310.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00H', 'H00H', 'Oblivion', 'Forcefully raised from the dead with little memory of his former self, Pugna is truly a terrible sight to behold. Retaining traces of necromantic magic, this shamble of bones finds sadistic pleasure in temporarily sending his enemies into a tormented dimension and greeting their return with a blast of unholy energy. Those who survived an encounter with the horror often recount with fearful eyes of how the Oblivion literally drains life from his enemies, giving him a brief, but satisfying, taste of the living.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.45<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 16 + 1.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 26 + 4.0', 'Learns Nether Ward, Nether Blast, Decrepify, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Life Drain</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 315.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00I', 'H00I', 'Geomancer', 'Originally worshipped by the pagan tribes of Germania and the black forests that encompassed it, Meepo is a mischievous spirit of the earth who enjoys burying his enemies alive in mountains of rock spikes, pinning them down into helplessness as he pummels them into submission with his mighty shovel. The most disturbing of the Geomancer''s powers, however, is his ability to separate his being into multiple selves, each as powerful as the original and making him potentially four times the trouble for the unlucky who encounter him. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 23 + 1.3<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 23 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 20 + 1.6', 'Learns Earthbind, Poof, Geostrike, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Divided We Stand</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00J', 'H00I', 'Geomancer','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00K', 'H00K', 'Goblin Techies', 'Devilishly clever, the goblin techies, despite their small physical presence, are a force to be reckoned with. In line with their goblin brethren, the techies have the skill of laying mines in the earth, invisible to the naked eye. Also, after extensive training with the Orcish voodoo priests of Kalimdor, the Techies are adept at laying paralysis-inducing traps along with their potent explosives. Wary be the foe who takes these three lightly.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 14 + 1.3<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 22 + 2.9', 'Learns Land Mines, Stasis Trap, Suicide Squad, Attack!, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Remote Mines</span>.<br>Attack range of 650.<br>Movement speed of 270.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00N', 'H00N', 'Dark Seer', 'Thought by some to be among the most cunning and manipulative among the Scourge''s varied champions, the dark seer Ish''kafel, living in exile from his people, is also the most secretive, for he speaks to no one but the Lich King himself. His unconventional talents, which lie in augmenting himself and allies with a variety of both defensive and offensive supportive castings, are quite unusual and versatile, often capable of turning the tide of battle before it even starts.  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 22 + 2.3<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 12 + 1.2<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 29 + 3.1', 'Learns Vacuum, Ion Shell, Surge, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Wall of Replica</span>.<br>Attack range of 125 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00Q', 'H00Q', 'Sacred Warrior', 'The Trolls of the Darkspear tribe, long since exiled from their ancestral lands in Stranglethorn Vale, are considered by many to be the most savage race of creatures to ever grace the battlefield. This reputation is well earned by their Sentinel representative Huskar, who''s abilities revolve around shortening his own lifespan to spear his foes to burning pieces. Considered a blessed martyr by his people, the Sacred Warrior is not afraid of death, and will even run towards it willingly, sometimes desperately, in order to bring the Undead Scourge to an end.', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 18 + 2.4<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 20 + 2.4<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 18 + 1.5', 'Learns Inner Vitality, Burning Spear, Berserker''s Blood, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Life Break</span>.<br>Attack range of 400.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00R', 'H00R', 'Undying', 'Considered to be an exceptionally filthy and despicable specimen by all who encounter him, including his fellow zombies, Dirge has wandered in from the wastes outside to serve the Lich King in hopes of finally obtaining a place of acceptance amongst the Undead masses. While he is still considered to be unpleasant as ever by the rest of the Scourge, his horrifying abilities, which include raising lesser ghouls and spreading vile, rapidly communicable plague throughout the enemy ranks, are unquestionably powerful and may just give the Scourge the edge they need to complete their unholy conquest once and for all. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 25 + 2.1 <br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 10 + 0.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 27 + 2.8', 'Learns Decay, Soul Rip, Tombstone, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Flesh Golem</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 310.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H07I', 'H00R', 'Undying','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00S', 'H00S', 'Storm Spirit', 'A celestial being summoned to aid the Sentinel in their darkest hour; the Storm Spirit chose to manifest itself in the life essence of a humble elementalist, Raijin Thunderkeg. Though the Pandaren''s soul perished during the profound surge of pure electrical essence, the divine entity even now seeks refuge in Raijin''s body, unable to thrive on its own. However, despite its mortal imprisonment, the Storm Spirit is far from being limited of its tremendous powers. Able of manipulating vast, inexhaustible sources of energy in mysterious ways, it swiftly hails destructive sparks of lightning upon the Sentinel''s adversaries, eradicating all that dared to cross its path.  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 22 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 23 + 2.6', 'Learns Static Remnant, Electric Vortex, Overload, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Ball Lightning</span>.<br>Attack range of 500.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H07G', 'H00S', 'Storm Spirit','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00T', 'H00T', 'Clockwerk Goblin', 'The by-product of Goblin technological weapon research during the old War, Rattletrap the Clockwerk Goblin was shut away into storage for countless decades until the Sentinel found and reactivated him. Combat-wise, this goblin''s capabilities know few bounds; his body is stocked with a huge array of armaments that destroy targets both near and far with ease. His trademark wrench can even extend itself like a grappling hook, allowing him to pick off individual targets with pin-point accuracy. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 24 + 2.4<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 13 + 1.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 1.3', 'Learns Battery Assault, Power Cog, Rocket Flare, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Hookshot</span>.<br>Attack range of 125 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 310.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00U', 'H00U', 'Invoker', 'Quas. Wex. Exort. The essence of a storm. The heart of a blizzard. The soul of a phoenix. After his people were broken and scattered to the corners of the earth, Kael was left with only the relics of his once great world. Thirsting for vengeance, he sold his own soul to Ner''Zhul, and in exchange acquired near limitless power. Taking on the mantle of the Blood Mages of old, the Invoker strode into war with nothing but the elements at his command. He can fuse the elements into deadly incantations, tearing apart the very heavens in his fury. His genius knows no bounds, and the Sentinel shall come to know the rage of the Invoker. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 19 + 1.4<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 20 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 22 + 2.5', 'Learns Quas, Wex, Exort, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Invoke</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 280.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00V', 'H00V', 'Gorgon', 'An insidious creature that dwelled for eons in the underwater prisons of Nazjatar, the Gorgon was unwittingly freed during the war waged between King Arthas''s Scourge and the Naga on the icy shores of Northrend. Plagued by undeath in the aftermath, Medusa welcomed the blessing of immortality. Gifted with a keen sense of archery and affinity to magic at birth, she has honed her skills over the ages striking multiple foes with a single volley of arrows, debilitating them with jolts of lightning, and even conjuring a protective barrier of mana. Like her namesake, Medusa instills paralyzing fear into all that dare cross her path. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 14 + 1.85<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 20 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 19 + 2.25', 'Learns Mystic Snake, Mana Shield, Split Shot, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Stone Gaze</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H08C', 'H00V', 'Gorgon','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H08B', 'H00V', 'Gorgon','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H08D', 'H00V', 'Gorgon','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H084', 'H00V', 'Gorgon','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H06S', 'H06S', 'Admiral Proudmoore', 'Of all the allies in the Sentinel''s ranks, only one, is known by as many names and is feared in as many lands. Called Capt. CoCo by his mates, Jacksparrow by others, The Legendary Mariner by some. but only a select few, know his real name and what it stands for. He can harness the powers of the depths to conjure torrential geysers that blast his enemies into the air. His elegant blade is sworn to the Seas and with each mighty swing it ebbs like the tides. Using a watery form of spacial magic, he can bring you back to your original destination. The Captain now sails towards the Scourge lands, aboard his Phantom vessel boosting the spirits of his comrades with his fabled Rum, paving the way for the victory of the Sentinel. He is Kunkka, Master and Commander of the seven seas. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 21 + 2.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 14 + 1.3<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.5', 'Learns Torrent, Tidebringer, X Marks The Spot, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Ghost Ship</span>.<br>Attack range of 128 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hamg', 'Hamg', 'Treant Protector', 'A treant of immense age and wisdom, Rooftrellen was merely a sapling during the invasion of the Burning Legion. Having grown powerful over thousands of years, Rooftrellen has lent his considerable might to the Sentinel cause. An omnipresent force in the forest, he is capable using his power over the forest to hide his allies. Rooftrellen is aided by the forest itself, providing him with a thick living armor of vines and entangling nearby foes in a deadly embrace, allowing Rooftrellen to pound his victims to dust with his massive gnarled limbs.', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 27 + 3.4<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 1.8', 'Learns Nature''s Guise, Eyes in the Forest, Living Armor, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Overgrowth</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Harf', 'Harf', 'Omniknight', 'A former member of the Order of the Silver Hand, Purist has joined the Sentinel to avenge the death of the Order''s leader, Uther the Lightbringer. Trained by Uther himself in the ways of the Paladin, Purist brings the power of the Holy Light to the battlefield. He can purify the souls of allies, harming any nearby Scourge in the process. Able to protect allies from harmful unholy magic, the mere presence of a man of the Holy Light atrophies any nearby enemies. In times of dire need, Purist can call upon God himself to protect him and his allies. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 20 + 2.65<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 1.75<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 1.8', 'Learns Purification, Repel, Degen Aura, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Guardian Angel</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hblm', 'Hblm', 'Keeper of the Light', 'Master of light and mana manipulation, Ezalor was once viewed as a scholar, and was regarded as a powerful mentor to many. However, his defection and betrayal of his allies during the War of the Magi caused him to be sentenced to banishment to the spirit realm for all of eternity. However, knowing of his tremendous power, the Sentinel granted him a corporeal form within the physical realm in exchange for his alliance against the Scourge onslaught. As such, Ezalor carries his duties of supporting his comrades valiantly despite the treacherous past that most know little about. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 1.6<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 22 + 2.8', 'Learns Illuminate, Mana Leak, Chakra Magic, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Spirit Form</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 315.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H06W', 'Hblm', 'Keeper of the Light','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H06X', 'Hblm', 'Keeper of the Light','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H06Y', 'Hblm', 'Keeper of the Light','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('HC49', 'HC49', 'Naga Siren', 'Slithice was always a vagabond among the Naga, roaming beyond the boundaries of the sea in search of new things. During her adventures she met and fell in love with a young Orc training to be a Blademaster. Though he was inexperienced he taught her many Orcish fighting tactics employed by seasoned warriors. During their courtship as she was learning how to make traps from a local raider, a swarm of Scourge came and invaded, her love was killed before her very eyes. She used her Naga magics to put the evil to sleep and fled, and now gives her all to the Sentinel, in the name of her love.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 21 + 2.3<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 21 + 2.75<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 18 + 1.65', 'Learns Critical Strike, Ensnare, Mirror Image, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Song of the Siren</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 320.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('HC92', 'HC92', 'Stealth Assassin', 'Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back.  He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 24 + 2.9<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 14 + 1.3', 'Learns Backstab, Blink Strike, Smoke Screen, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Permanent Invisibility</span>.<br>Attack range of 125 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hjai', 'Hjai', 'Crystal Maiden', 'Adept in the manipulation of frost and ice, Rylai is the very image of elegeance and grace. Trained by a renegade wizard deep in the heart of Winterspring, Rylai brings to the Sentinel her prowess in the arts of magic. With a vast arsenal of spells, she wreaks havoc upon her foes - be it with powerful blasts of frost to send them fleeing in panic, or be it by rendering them immobile in ice. Her foes tremble in fear as the ground beneath implodes in mighty novas of frost in a dazzling array, obliterating all who dare oppose her.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 16 + 1.6<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 21 + 2.9', 'Learns Crystal Nova, Frostbite, Brilliance Aura, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Freezing Field</span>.<br>Attack range of 600. <br>Movement speed of 280.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hlgr', 'Hlgr', 'Dragon Knight', 'Abandoned and forsaken as a child, the Half-bred Dragon Davion sought refuge from the evils of the world, and from the uncontrollable power growing within himself. His search led him to the doorstep of a mighty Druid, who taught him to tap into the massive energies that lay concealed in his blood - a tribute to his ancient Draconian heritage. A master swordsman, Davion smites his foes in his raging frenzy - transforming at will into an Elder Dragon of destructive fiery rage to crush all those that threaten to vanquish his new home. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 19 + 2.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 19 + 2.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.7', 'Learns Breathe Fire, Dragon''s Blood, Dragon''s Tail, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Elder Dragon Form</span>.<br>Attack range of 125 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 290.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00F', 'Hlgr', 'Dragon Knight','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00E', 'Hlgr', 'Dragon Knight','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('H00G', 'Hlgr', 'Dragon Knight','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hmbr', 'Hmbr', 'Lord of Olympia', 'Once a deity of unfathomable might, Zeus reluctantly sacrificed his much relished immortality in exchange for the chance to crush the sinister armies of the unholy undead. As his soul crossed into the mortal plane, his omnipotent powers withered greatly, yet not nearly enough to quell this destructive Thunder God''s resolve for justice. With sheer precision, he cleanses through the enemy ranks with an impressive mastery of electrical discharge, smiting the fool hardy with formidable bolts of lightning from the heavens above. Ever vigilant in his relentless assault, the Scourge cowers in fear of incurring the fearsome wrath of the Lord of Olympia.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 19 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 20 + 2.7', 'Learns Arc Lightning, Static Field, Lightning Bolt, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Thundergod''s Wrath</span>.<br>Attack range of 350. <br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hmkg', 'Hmkg', 'Ogre Magi', 'Ogres, a race bred to be warriors, have no experience with the arcane arts, leaving Aggron, who was born with a rare affinity to magic, without guidance regarding his innate abilities. His own force of will harnesses his talent to produce elemental flames and explosions that consume his opponents. Being a natural warrior, he reaches into his own aggression to fuel his comrades'' lust for battle. His savage, untapped magical potential is prone to fiery outbursts which enhance the potency of his spells. A towering force built on strength and magic, Aggron is honored by his people and feared by his enemies.  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 23 + 3.20<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 14 + 1.55<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 1.9', 'Learns Ignite, Fireblast, Bloodlust, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Multi Cast</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Huth', 'Huth', 'Ursa Warrior', 'Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In return, the furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on the Sentinel behalf. Enraged by the defilement of his people''s sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 18 + 2.1<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.5', 'Learns Overpower, Earthshock, Fury Swipes, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Enrage</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 310.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hvsh', 'Hvsh', 'Bloodseeker', 'An unusual hybrid of Demon and Orc, Strygwyr is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures. By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays, Strygwyr can heal his wounds - even those that could prove fatal. Beware the fool who dares venturing alone, for Strygwyr can sense his blood miles away and gain vison through his helpless prey''s eyes. Having ruptured the enemy with mighty blows in his bloodthirsty frenzies, Strygwyr corners his foe into making the impossible decision - bleed to death by trying to outrun the hasty demon, or be ripped to shreds in its awesome fury. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 24 + 2.6<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 18 + 1.7', 'Learns Bloodrage, Blood Bath, Strygwyr''s Thirst and <span style="color:#ff8000">Rupture</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Hvwd', 'Hvwd', 'Vengeful Spirit', 'Once a mighty warden and sister of Mortred, the maniacal laughter of her sibling and the chakram of hers covered in her own just drawn blood is a sight that even today still haunts Shendelzare. Hearing the laments of her loyal daughter, Elune decided to not forsake her, and she graced her with a new body along with the ability to harness powers from the nether-world and a fighting spirit only owned by those who have met death itself. Shendelzare now leads the Sentinel''s army, fearless of what could come at her, an avatar of the dreadful emotions within the soul of her former self.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 2.3<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 2.35<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.75', 'Learns Magic Missile, Command Aura, Wave of Terror, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Nether Swap</span>.<br>Attack range of 400.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N00B', 'N00B', 'Faerie Dragon', 'In Sentinel''s search for heroes to aid them in the war against the Scourge, they discovered the lost lands of the mystical Faerie Dragons. Upon explaining the conflict to the Faerie Queen of Agrace, she sent forth Puck, a personal guardian, to turn the tides of war. Despite his small size and mischievous personality, the little dragon soon proved to pack more than his fair share of power on the battlefield, blasting through the enemy ranks with balls of magic, faerie dust, and the capability to stupefy an entire army with nothing more than his imagination. His foes all learned the hard way that size matters not in combat, and that appearances are, ultimately, deceiving. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 15 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 22 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 25 + 2.4 ', 'Learns Illusory Orb, Waning Rift, Phase Shift, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Dream Coil</span>.<br>Attack range of 550.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N00R', 'N00R', 'Pit Lord', 'One of the many regents of Lord Archimonde who became stranded on the physical plane after the Legion fell in Kalimdor, the devil Azgalor''s love of destruction allowed him to accept the Lich King''s invitation to help lead the Scourge in conquest with few regrets. After all, this Pit Lord is happiest when he conjures fire to scour his opponents from above, roasting them slowly as the dead literally explode from beneath their feet. With such hateful power in the hands of a monster such as this, it''s no wonder he inspires so much terror as he roams across the battlefield. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 25 + 2.6<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 12 + 1.3<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 2.6', 'Learns Firestorm, Pit of Malice, Expulsion, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Dark Rift</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N016', 'N016', 'Troll Warlord', 'When the Sentinel first gathered their forces, The Troll Warriors were considered primitive and unreliable. Their pride wounded, many refused to join, some even considering siding with the Scourge. Only a hotheaded young Warlord called Jah''rakal joined the Sentinel. Known as ''Blinding Axe'' in troll tongue, both for the blinding speed of his axes and his trademark blind technique, his unstoppable rampages have already made him a legend among his Allies. However Jah''rakal fights not for the Sentinel, or even to defend the Ancients, but to show Elves, Men, Orcs and anyone else that trolls are the best fighters in the world. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 2.2<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 21 + 2.75<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 13 + 1.0', 'Learns Berserker Rage, Blind, Fervor, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Battle Trance</span>.<br>Attack range of 500.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N02B', 'N016', 'Troll Warlord','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N017', 'N016', 'Troll Warlord','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01A', 'N01A', 'Silencer', 'Hailing from the magical community of Quel''Thalas, Nortrom is one of the strongest Elven warriors defending the integrity of the lands. Mastering the ancient art of glaive-throwing, and combining it with the volatile nature of the Blood Elves'' arcane magic, he is able to disrupt the magical energies in his enemies. By binding his magical powers to his glaive, he is able to cause damage beyond devastation, gaining intelligence from every kill. Concentrating all his energies, he can cause chaos within his enemies'' magical pools, making them unable to cast spells. He is determined to fend off the Scourge and their demon magic until he has breathed his last. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 16 + 2.1<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 21 + 2.5', 'Learns Curse of the Silent, Glaives of Wisdom, Last Word and <span style="color:#ff8000">Global Silence</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 290.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01I', 'N01I', 'Alchemist', 'Having enlisted under the ranks of the Sentinel for mere personal gain, the Alchemist''s quest for amassing wealth to fund his research is a tireless and relentless one. Both sadistic and cruel in his methods, this heartless Goblin cares not for the means he must resort to for a sizeable bounty. Whether he chooses to paralyze his foes with toxic concoctions or drench them in corrosive acids, Razzil Darkbrew remains steadfast in his calm, calculated approach, despite their constant wails of agony. Though notoriously famed to be inhumane and savage in his actions, he succeeds in crippling the mighty Scourge with the vilest of elixirs.  ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 25 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 11 + 1.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 25 + 1.8', 'Learns Acid Spray, Unstable Concoction, Goblin''s Greed and <span style="color:#ff8000">Chemical Rage</span>.<br>Attack range of 128 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01J', 'N01I', 'Alchemist','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01T', 'N01I', 'Alchemist','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01H', 'N01I', 'Alchemist','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01O', 'N01O', 'Lone Druid', 'Syllabear was spared a time of great strife due to the deeds of his people. Sensing their settlement''s impending destruction they turned their child into a bear and sent him into the wild. Syllabear grew up strong and savage, like the bears that inhabited the forests of his home. Using druidic powers, he can enter a state of almost rabid frenzy, and even call powerful bear companions to aid him. Awakened into his elven heritage by Furion the Prophet, Syllabear has regained his true elven form, and brings the bestial spirit of the bear to the battlefield. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 2.1<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 24 + 2.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 13 + 1.4', 'Learns Summon Spirit Bear, Synergy, Rabid, and <span style="color:#ff8000">True Form</span>.<br>Attack range of 550.<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N014', 'N01O', 'Lone Druid','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N015', 'N01O', 'Lone Druid','-','-','-');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N013', 'N01O', 'Lone Druid','-','-','-'); 
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01V', 'N01V', 'Priestess of the Moon', 'A matriarch and high priestess of Elune''s blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield. In times of need however, she can fade herself and others around her into the safety of invisibility, making her a potent supporter matched by few. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.85<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 20 + 2.75<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 1.65 ', 'Learns Starfall, Elune''s Arrow, Leap, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Moonlight Shadow</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N01W', 'N01W', 'Shadow Priest', 'Little is known to the Shadowtooth Clan, likely because this group of shadowy trolls never unveil the secrets of their mystifying sacrament. Nevertheless, the Loa they worship is much more powerful than most elementals, thus their favors must be kept in confidentiality. In return, these Primal Gods granted these trolls the power over paralyzing toxins, life-bending voodoo, and even endowment of life beyond the grave. A living eternity of death and misery, Dazzle now marches within the ranks of the undead, announcing the apocalypse of the Scourge that may lead them to much anticipated ascendancy. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 16 + 1.85<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 21 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 27 + 3.4', 'Learns Poison Touch, Shallow Grave, Shadow Wave, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Weave</span>.<br>Attack range of 500.<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N0EG', 'N0EG', 'Windrunner', 'In the valleys of Winterspring, deep within the verdant glades of the Forest of Trees, an elf with the power of the wind makes her home. She joined the Sentinel as a free agent shortly after the War of the Magi. Favored by the Goddess of Wind, Alleria received many blessings. Her arrows fly straight and true, piercing all enemies in a line. She can lace her arrow with wind and bind enemies together by creating ethereal shackles. Her footsteps are hastened by the currents of air. It is known that she can dispatch enemies at blinding speed by releasing a flurry of arrows. She is indeed a worthy enemy of the Scourge.  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 15 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 17 + 1.4<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 22 + 2.6', 'Learns Shackleshot, Powershot, Windrunner, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Focus Fire</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N0EI', 'N0EG', 'Windrunner','-','-','-'); 
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N0EJ', 'N0EG', 'Windrunner','-','-','-'); 
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N0EK', 'N0EG', 'Windrunner','-','-','-'); 
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('N0EM', 'N0EG', 'Windrunner','-','-','-'); 
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Naka', 'Naka', 'Bounty Hunter', 'Gondar is a Draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills. Not much is known about his past, but his capabilities are extraordinary. Some believe he learned from a ninja clan while others say he was born with his amazing abilities. He is able to throw shurikens with extreme accuracy and has the strength to strike down any foe with his two swift blades. His agility is matched by none, and his stealth is inferior only to few. He is interested in the conflict for money alone, and is promised a large reward.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.8<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 21 + 3.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.4', 'Learns Jinada, Wind Walk, Shuriken Toss, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Track</span>.<br>Attack range of 128 (MELEE). <br>Movement speed of 315.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Nbbc', 'Nbbc', 'Juggernaut', 'Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 20 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 20 + 2.85<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 14 + 1.4', 'Learns Healing Ward, Blade Fury, Blade Dance, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Omnislash</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Nbrn', 'Nbrn', 'Drow Ranger', 'Traxex was a skilled archer in her oppressive underground homeland, the Underdark, until she grew sick of her kin''s evil ways and fled to the surface world. As a part of her resolution, she joined the Sentinel, bringing her excellent marksmanship to the fray. Some of her abilities include stripping magical beings of their voices, enchanting her arrows with an icy cold, and the ability to release each arrow with much greater precision. While such powers are valuable, her true origin will never cease to linger around in the judging eyes of others.  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 22 + 1.9<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.4', 'Learns Silence, Trueshot Aura, Frost Arrows, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Marksmanship</span>.<br>Attack range of 600.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('NC00', 'NC00', 'Skeleton King', 'Once a noble knight protecting his kingdom, the man was thrown into Hell, where he was ripped apart over and over for centuries. Now, Lucifer has thrown him back onto the soil, corrupted and mindless, as King Leoric, the Skeleton King. He marches on, leading his minions with an unfaltering gaze, knowing only one thing:the orders given to him by the dark lord himself. Able to cripple his opponents by drawing power from the fiery depths of hell itself, King Leoric is a major threat on the battlefield. His mighty blade allows him and others in his presence to drain the blood of their enemies. It is said that he is unkillable, and those who are struck down by his hellfire don''t wake up again. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 22 + 2.9<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 18 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 13 + 1.6', '');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Nfir', 'Nfir', 'Shadow Fiend', 'A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 15 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 20 + 2.4<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 18 + 2.0', 'Learns Presence of the Dark Lord, Necromastery, Shadowraze, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Requiem of Souls</span>.<br>Attack range of 500.<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Npbm', 'Npbm', 'Pandaren Brewmaster', 'Mangix originates from a deeply hidden and secret society located on the obscure island of Pandaria. He lived a sheltered life in his home within the Stonetalon Mountains, but even the far, golden reaches of Pandaria were affected by the dark hand of the Scourge. The elders heard the cries of the innocent, and saw the blood of the slain, and so, they agreed to send one elite warrior, hoping to turn the tides of battle and restore the Great Balance. What they did not know was that the local barkeep had trained for this very moment his entire life. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.9<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 16 + 1.95<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 14 + 1.25', 'Learns Thunder Clap, Drunken Haze, Drunken Brawler, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Primal Split</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 300.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Ntin', 'Ntin', 'Tinker', 'Goblin engineering was always innovative, but Boush brought it to such extreme that most refuse to believe that his powers lie in machines and rather think that he fights with magic. He can shoot focused light and homing projectiles as powerful and as flashy as most destructive Elven Arcane spells. It is said that not even best Necromancers can raise armies comparable to seemingly endless amount of clockwork goblins that Boush can easily summon. And while some refuse to believe in his machinery skills and other call him the master artist of engineering, none can deny the destructive force of this goblin.  ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 17 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 13 + 1.2<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Intelligence</span> - 27 + 2.2', 'Learns Laser, Heat Seeking Missile, March of the Machines, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Rearm</span>.<br>Attack range of 500.<br>Movement speed of 305.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('NROB', 'Ntin', 'Tinker','-','-','-'); 
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('O00J', 'O00J', 'Spiritbreaker', 'An outcast of the Spirithoof clan, Barathrum retreated in shame to the Ethereal Plane, feeding off wandering souls to sustain himself, and wandered aimlessly for centuries, alone and miserable. Found and recruited by the Lich King, Barathrum''s uncanny speed and wraithlike powers have now been unleashed upon the Material Plane, his lantern able to project nether energy into enemies, sending them backwards with sudden force. With the ability to close the distance between himself and a target in seconds, Barathrum the Spiritbreaker is more than a match for anyone.', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 23 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 17 + 1.7<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 15 + 1.8', 'Learns Charge of Darkness, Greater Bash, Empowering Haste, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Nether Strike</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 295.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('O00P', 'O00P', 'Morphling', 'The Morphling, nature''s magnum opus, the pinnacle of evolution, can force his liquid body to flow over opponents in a massive wave, forcibly moving himself as well as injuring his enemies. At a whim he may change the composition of his body, trading strength for agility and vice versa. Capable of manipulating his energy into either disable or damage based on his strongest attribute, the Morphling''s most disturbing ability creates a literal clone of a chosen target, forcing them to face their own reflection as he crushes them in their confusion.', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 19 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 19 + 3.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 17 + 1.5', 'Learns Waveform, Adaptive Strike, Morph, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Replication</span>.<br>Attack range of 350.<br>Movement speed of 285.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Ofar', 'Ofar', 'Tidehunter', 'Greatest of the sea giants, Leviathan was sealed away in the aftermath of the war between the Old Gods and the Titans in ancient times. Now released by the Lich King to aid in his crusade against the Sentinel, he cleaves through waves of enemies with his mighty anchor, breaking enemy sieges before they even begin. As terrible a foe on land as he is in water, those who stand before the Tidehunter are swept away in a sea of spikes, eviscerated as he closes in to pulverize those left to receive his wrath. ', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 22 + 3.0<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 15 + 1.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 16 + 1.7', 'Learns Anchor Smash, Gush, Kraken Shell, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Ravage</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 310.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Ogrh', 'Ogrh', 'Phantom Lancer', 'Although his true name is unknown to his allies, Azwraith''s assigned name tells you enough. Like the Angel of Death, Azrael, he fights to rid the world of those who choose to embrace undeath. He is able to appear and disappear at will like a wraith, often appearing in many places at once. Azwraith is more than capable of dispatching the undead using his lance, each blow sending them closer to the spirit-realm. This lance is the source of his astounding ability to duplicate himself, whenever it draws blood he can use their life to create weaker copies of himself. ', '<span style="color:#0042ff">Strength</span> - 18 + 2.0<br><span style="color:#ff0303">Agility</span> - 23 + 2.8<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 21 + 2.0', 'Learns Juxtapose, Spirit Lance, Doppelwalk, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Phantom Edge</span>.<br>Attack range of 100 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 290.');
    INSERT INTO heroes (heroid, original, description, summary, stats, skills) VALUES ('Opgh', 'Opgh', 'Axe', 'In the war of Humans and Orcs that occured long ago many Orcish warriors were corrupted by demonic influence and became tools of blackest darkness. One such warrior was the leader of the Half-Tribe of the Bloodied Axe Clan; Mogul Kahn. Mogul was slain by human Paladins but mysteriously was seen fighting alongside the Scourge around the time Mannoroth started to command the Orcs in the war against Archimonde. The Axe has been revived by demons and uses his reflexes and powerful blows to hunt down and seek out the Sentinels'' agile warriors and cut them down to size, even projecting his lust for war onto them.', '<span style="color:#ff0303">Strength</span> - 25 + 2.5<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Agility</span> - 20 + 2.2<br><span style="color:#0042ff">Intelligence</span> - 14 + 1.6', 'Learns Berserker''s Call, Battle Hunger, Counter Helix, and <span style="color:#ff8000">Culling Blade</span>.<br>Attack range of 125 (MELEE).<br>Movement speed of 290.');
    ну и так далее, как описано post26295.html#p26295