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в чем ошибка?

Тема в разделе 'Основные вопросы', создана пользователем VDZ23, 25 дек 2010.

  1. VDZ23 Ньюфаг

    сделал конфиг карты ,
    # map file for DotA_im_3.73.4.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\DotA_im_3.73.4.w3x
    map_size = 173 159 111 0
    map_info = 124 174 189 177
    map_crc = 98 253 9 205
    map_sha1 = 218 134 151 180 28 223 26 13 218 65 138 220 37 18 96 133 83 225 212 22
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 118 0
    map_height = 120 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 10
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 0 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 0 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 0 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 0 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 0 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 0 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 0 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 0 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 0 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 0 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = dota
    map_matchmakingcategory = dota_elo
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = w3mmd
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = DotA_im_3.73.4.w3x
    игра создаеться, я могу в нее зайти , но остальные не могут, типо у них нет карты

    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:03 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [SKALKER|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:03 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [SKALKER]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:09 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [zews1k|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:09 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [zews1k]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:12 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [4ECHOK-_-|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:13 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [4ECHOK-_-]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:16 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [Saboten-Yamato|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:16 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [Saboten-Yamato]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:18 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [Svoi|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:18 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [Svoi]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:25 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [BOBAH64Rus|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:25 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [BOBAH64Rus]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:34 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [0l0l0l0|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:49 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [shved)))|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:49 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [shved)))]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:51 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [Jubububs|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:38:51 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [Jubububs]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    [Fri Dec 24 23:39:02 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] player [SKALKER|] joined the game
    [Fri Dec 24 23:39:02 2010] [GAME: TEST BLEAT] deleting player [SKALKER]: doesn't have the map and map downloads are disabled
    если поставить bot_allowdownloads = 0 то смогут заходить те у кого она есть, но остальных также кикает, в чем ошибка конфига?
  2. ____ROB____ Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost One 1.5
    ### разрешить скачивание карты или нет
    ### 0 запрещает скачивание карты
    ### 1 разрешает скачивание карты
    ### 2 разрешает скачивание карты по указке администратора (администратор должен прописать !download или !dl )

    bot_allowdownloads = 1
  3. VDZ23 Ньюфаг

    это не повлияло, но вроде заработало после того как я отменил создания админской игры