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[оО] Дублирование ников в базе.

Тема в разделе 'Кодинг/Собственные решения', создана пользователем DhL, 28 янв 2011.

  1. DhL Ньюфаг

    int main( int argc, char **argv )
    	string CFGFile = "update_dota_elo.cfg";
    	if( argc > 1 && argv[1] )
    		CFGFile = argv[1];
    	CConfig CFG;
    	CFG.Read( CFGFile );
    	string Server = "localhost";
    	string Database = "***";
    	string User = "********";
    	string Password = "************";
    	int Port = 3306;
    	cout << "connecting to database server" << endl;
    	MYSQL *Connection = NULL;
    	if( !( Connection = mysql_init( NULL ) ) )
    		cout << "error1: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    		return 1;
    	my_bool Reconnect = true;
    	mysql_options( Connection, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &Reconnect );
    	if( !( mysql_real_connect( Connection, Server.c_str( ), User.c_str( ), Password.c_str( ), Database.c_str( ), Port, NULL, 0 ) ) )
    		cout << "error2: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    		return 1;
    	cout << "connected" << endl;
    	cout << "search for games" << endl;
    	string SelectGames = "SELECT id FROM games WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT gameid FROM dota_elo_games_scored ) ORDER BY id";
    	queue<uint32_t> Games;
    	if( mysql_real_query( Connection, SelectGames.c_str( ), SelectGames.size( ) ) != 0 )
    		cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    		return 1;
    		MYSQL_RES *Result = mysql_store_result( Connection );
    		if( Result )
    			vector<string> Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );
    			while( !Row.empty( ) )
    				Games.push( UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[0] ) );
    				Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );
    			mysql_free_result( Result );
    			cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    			return 1;
    	cout << "Found " << Games.size( ) << " games" << endl;
    	while( !Games.empty( ) )
    		uint32_t GameID = Games.front( );
    		Games.pop( );
    		string SelectPlayers = "SELECT gp.name, gp.team, dg.winner, dp.colour, dp.kills, dp.deaths, dp.creepkills, dp.creepdenies, dp.assists, dp.neutralkills, dp.towerkills, dp.raxkills, scores.id, scores.score, gp.left, dg.min, dg.sec FROM dotaplayers as dp, dotagames as dg, gameplayers as gp LEFT JOIN scores ON scores.name=gp.name AND server=spoofedrealm WHERE dp.gameid=" + UTIL_ToString( GameID ) + " and dp.gameid = dg.gameid and dp.gameid = gp.gameid and dp.colour = gp.colour and dg.winner <> 0";
    		if( mysql_real_query( Connection, SelectPlayers.c_str( ), SelectPlayers.size( ) ) != 0 )
    			cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    			return 1;
    			MYSQL_RES *Result = mysql_store_result( Connection );
    			if( Result )
    				cout << "******************************" << endl;
    				cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " found" << endl;
    				cout << "******************************" << endl;
    				bool ignore = false;
    				uint32_t rowids[10];
    				string names[10];
    				string servers[10];
    				bool exists[10];
    				int num_players = 0;
    				double player_ratings[10];
    				double new_player_rating[10];
    				int player_teams[10];
    				int num_teams = 2;
    				float team_ratings[2];
    				float team_winners[2];
    				int team_numplayers[2];
    				team_ratings[0] = 0.0;
    				team_ratings[1] = 0.0;
    				team_numplayers[0] = 0;
    				team_numplayers[1] = 0;
    				vector<string> Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );
    				while( Row.size( ) == 17 )
    					if( num_players >= 10 )
    						cout << "******************************" << endl;
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has more than 10 players, ignoring" << endl;
    						cout << "******************************" << endl;
    						ignore = true;
    					uint32_t Winner = UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[2] );
    					if( Winner != 1 && Winner != 2 )
    						cout << "******************************" << endl;
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no winner, ignoring" << endl;
    						cout << "******************************" << endl;
    						ignore = true;
    					else if( Winner == 1 )
    						team_winners[0] = 1.0;
    						team_winners[1] = 0.0;
    						team_winners[0] = 0.0;
    						team_winners[1] = 1.0;
    					if( !Row[12].empty( ) )
    						rowids[num_players] = UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[12] );
    						rowids[num_players] = 0;
    					uint32_t team = UTIL_ToUInt32(Row[1]);
    					names[num_players] = Row[0];
    					servers[num_players] = "bnet.tomck.net";
    					if( !Row[13].empty( ) )
    						exists[num_players] = true;
    						player_ratings[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[13] );
    						cout << "* new player [" << Row[0] << "] found *" << endl;
    						exists[num_players] = false;
    						player_ratings[num_players] = 500.0;
    					uint32_t Colour = UTIL_ToUInt32( Row[3] );
    					if( Colour >= 1 && Colour <= 5 )
    						player_teams[num_players] = 0;
    						team_ratings[0] += player_ratings[num_players];
    					else if( Colour >= 7 && Colour <= 11 )
    						player_teams[num_players] = 1;
    						team_ratings[1] += player_ratings[num_players];
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has a player with an invalid newcolour, ignoring" << endl;
    						ignore = true;
    					double kills[10];
    					double deaths[10];
    					double creepkills[10];
    					double creepdenies[10];
    					double assists[10];
    					double neutralkills[10];
    					double towerkills[10];
    					double raxkills[10];
    					kills[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[4] );
    					deaths[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[5] );
    					creepkills[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[6] );
    					creepdenies[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[7] );
    					assists[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[8] );
    					neutralkills[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[9] );
    					towerkills[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[10] );
    					raxkills[num_players] = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[11] );
    					double formula[10];
    					double CalculateByFormula[10];
    					formula[num_players] = ((kills[num_players] - deaths[num_players] + assists[num_players] / 2)+(creepkills[num_players] / 100 + creepdenies[num_players] / 10 + neutralkills[num_players] / 50)+(raxkills[num_players] / 6)+(towerkills[num_players] / 11));
    					if( team_winners[team] == 1 )
    						CalculateByFormula[num_players] = formula[num_players]+5.0;
    						CalculateByFormula[num_players] = formula[num_players]-3.0;
    					// cout << formula << endl;
    					double left_at = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[14] );
    					double duration_min = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[15] );
    					double duration_sec = UTIL_ToDouble( Row[16] );
    					uint32_t it_quit = 0;
    					int duration_is = (duration_min * 60) + duration_sec;
    					double check_leave = left_at / duration_is;
    					if( check_leave < 0.8 )
    						it_quit = 1;
    					} else {
    						it_quit = 0;
    					cout << "left_at: " << left_at << "\nduration: " << duration_is << "\nRatio: " << UTIL_ToString(check_leave,3) << "\nName: " << Row[0] << "\nWinner: " << team_winners[team] << "\nColour: " << Row[3] << "\nScore: " << player_ratings[num_players] << "\n[----------------------------]" << endl;
    					if( it_quit == 1 )
    						new_player_rating[num_players] = player_ratings[num_players] + CalculateByFormula[num_players] - 10.0;
    						new_player_rating[num_players] = player_ratings[num_players] + CalculateByFormula[num_players];
    					Row = MySQLFetchRow( Result );
    				if( !ignore )
    					if( num_players == 0 )
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no players, ignoring" << endl;
    					else if( team_numplayers[0] == 0 )
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no Sentinel players, ignoring" << endl;
    					else if( team_numplayers[1] == 0 )
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " has no Scourge players, ignoring" << endl;
    					else if( team_numplayers[0] < 4 || team_numplayers[1] < 4 )
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " Scourge or Sentinel has less than 4 players, ignoring" << endl;
    						cout << "gameid " << UTIL_ToString( GameID ) << " is calculating" << endl;
    						double old_player_ratings[10];
    						memcpy( old_player_ratings, player_ratings, sizeof( float ) * 10 );
    						for( int i = 0; i < num_players; i++ )
    							cout << "player [" << names[i] << "] rating " << UTIL_ToString( (uint32_t)new_player_rating[i] ) << endl;
    							if( exists[i] )
    								string QUpdateScore = "UPDATE scores SET score=" + UTIL_ToString( new_player_rating[i], 2 ) + " WHERE id=" + UTIL_ToString( rowids[i] );
    								if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QUpdateScore.c_str( ), QUpdateScore.size( ) ) != 0 )
    									cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    									return 1;
    								string EscName = MySQLEscapeString( Connection, names[i] );
    								string EscServer = MySQLEscapeString( Connection, servers[i] );
    								string QInsertScore = "INSERT INTO scores ( category, name, server, score ) VALUES ( 'dota_elo', '" + EscName + "', '" + EscServer + "', " + UTIL_ToString( new_player_rating[i], 2 ) + " )";
    								if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QInsertScore.c_str( ), QInsertScore.size( ) ) != 0 )
    									cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    									return 1;
    		string QInsertScored = "INSERT INTO dota_elo_games_scored ( gameid ) VALUES ( " + UTIL_ToString( GameID ) + " )";
    		if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QInsertScored.c_str( ), QInsertScored.size( ) ) != 0 )
    			cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    			return 1;
    	cout << "done" << endl;
    	return 0;
    Вот собственно немного измененный код dota_elo, который считает по формуле.
    Возникла такая проблема:
    Дублируются ники в базе scores

    т.е. код
    if( exists[i] )
    								string QUpdateScore = "UPDATE scores SET score=" + UTIL_ToString( new_player_rating[i], 2 ) + " WHERE id=" + UTIL_ToString( rowids[i] );
    								if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QUpdateScore.c_str( ), QUpdateScore.size( ) ) != 0 )
    									cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    									return 1;
    								string EscName = MySQLEscapeString( Connection, names[i] );
    								string EscServer = MySQLEscapeString( Connection, servers[i] );
    								string QInsertScore = "INSERT INTO scores ( category, name, server, score ) VALUES ( 'dota_elo', '" + EscName + "', '" + EscServer + "', " + UTIL_ToString( new_player_rating[i], 2 ) + " )";
    								if( mysql_real_query( Connection, QInsertScore.c_str( ), QInsertScore.size( ) ) != 0 )
    									cout << "error: " << mysql_error( Connection ) << endl;
    									return 1;
    который должен это блокировать - не работает оО...
    Вроде бы все правильно, но почему-то такое происходит

    | name        | score  |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 507.75 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 495.28 |
    | Bac9_neo4em |  518.3 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 522.79 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 509.34 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 502.99 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 537.24 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 515.43 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 513.87 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 499.39 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 508.11 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 517.59 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 496.56 |
    | Bac9_neo4em | 494.86 |
    14 rows in set
    Причем дублируются не все ники, а "избранные" - вообще идей нету по этому поводу... лол

    хелп плз ))
  2. fake Старожила

    Дата начала использования бота:
    запусти cmd напиши
    и выложи log.txt
    перед этим очисть всё что сделал апдейт дота ело
  3. DhL Ньюфаг

    connecting to database server
    search for games
    Found 0 games
    connecting to database server
    search for games
    Found 99 games
    gameid 26 found
    * new player [Ganimed] found *
    * new player [Silvestr] found *
    * new player [Argentum] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [plyshka] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [346] found *
    * new player [SH1z1k-] found *
    * new player [4erniyVlastelin] found *
    * new player [dacik] found *
    gameid 26 is calculating
    player [Ganimed] rating 494
    player [Silvestr] rating 517
    player [Argentum] rating 491
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 507
    player [plyshka] rating 490
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 518
    player [346] rating 507
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 508
    player [4erniyVlastelin] rating 494
    player [dacik] rating 499
    gameid 27 found
    * new player [dacik] found *
    * new player [ThreeEvil] found *
    * new player [4erniyVlastelin] found *
    * new player [ganjubasa_guru] found *
    * new player [DhL] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Murcielago-] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    gameid 27 is calculating
    player [dacik] rating 491
    player [ThreeEvil] rating 491
    player [4erniyVlastelin] rating 500
    player [346] rating 505
    player [ganjubasa_guru] rating 493
    player [DhL] rating 502
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 497
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 495
    player [Murcielago-] rating 556
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 499
    gameid 28 found
    * new player [R-TeM] found *
    * new player [eoL_Snoopy_eL] found *
    * new player [Wdof] found *
    * new player [mosq] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    gameid 28 is calculating
    player [R-TeM] rating 492
    player [Murcielago-] rating 560
    player [eoL_Snoopy_eL] rating 491
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 507
    player [Wdof] rating 498
    player [mosq] rating 506
    player [DhL] rating 501
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 518
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 508
    player [346] rating 513
    gameid 29 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [[wild]bolt] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Wdof] found *
    * new player [Greeder] found *
    * new player [SLIPknot] found *
    * new player [swapni_ept] found *
    * new player [TalimaN] found *
    gameid 29 is calculating
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 531
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 518
    player [[wild]bolt] rating 509
    player [346] rating 533
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 522
    player [Wdof] rating 494
    player [Greeder] rating 491
    player [SLIPknot] rating 496
    player [swapni_ept] rating 494
    player [TalimaN] rating 496
    gameid 30 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Greeder] found *
    * new player [mageridon] found *
    * new player [Wdof] found *
    * new player [[wild]bolt] found *
    * new player [SLIPknot] found *
    gameid 30 is calculating
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 531
    player [346] rating 547
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 535
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 509
    player [Greeder] rating 492
    player [mageridon] rating 484
    player [Wdof] rating 491
    player [[wild]bolt] rating 504
    player [SLIPknot] rating 482
    gameid 31 found
    * new player [nah_takoe_fc] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Stiket] found *
    * new player [m3th0d] found *
    * new player [Br1Ght] found *
    * new player [litle_zverek] found *
    * new player [01kz] found *
    gameid 31 is calculating
    player [346] rating 552
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 502
    player [move] rating 503
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 502
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 540
    player [Stiket] rating 501
    player [m3th0d] rating 511
    player [Br1Ght] rating 490
    player [litle_zverek] rating 514
    player [01kz] rating 486
    gameid 32 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Silvestr] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Br1Ght] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [litle_zverek] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [drinking] found *
    gameid 32 is calculating
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 521
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 519
    player [346] rating 567
    player [Silvestr] rating 512
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 537
    player [Br1Ght] rating 488
    player [THEBEST] rating 486
    player [litle_zverek] rating 482
    player [move] rating 487
    player [drinking] rating 506
    gameid 33 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    * new player [drinking] found *
    * new player [ShaitanTaifun] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    gameid 33 is calculating
    player [346] rating 576
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 520
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 526
    player [Murcielago-] rating 581
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 515
    player [Broken] rating 476
    player [drinking] rating 507
    player [ShaitanTaifun] rating 491
    player [move] rating 513
    player [THEBEST] rating 491
    gameid 34 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [easy_-] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [McFreman] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [drinking] found *
    gameid 34 is calculating
    player [Murcielago-] rating 603
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 533
    player [346] rating 586
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 532
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 513
    player [easy_-] rating 479
    player [THEBEST] rating 491
    player [McFreman] rating 476
    player [move] rating 478
    player [drinking] rating 485
    gameid 35 found
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [slivashko_imba] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [TauqpyH] found *
    * new player [77-77] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [siniy_iniy] found *
    * new player [drinking] found *
    gameid 35 is calculating
    player [346] rating 589
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 499
    player [slivashko_imba] rating 491
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 488
    player [TauqpyH] rating 480
    player [77-77] rating 509
    player [THEBEST] rating 531
    player [move] rating 527
    player [siniy_iniy] rating 517
    player [drinking] rating 514
    gameid 36 found
    * new player [Pirate] found *
    * new player [Room_Kulya] found *
    * new player [[D]evil] found *
    * new player [Smoking] found *
    * new player [mosq] found *
    * new player [Iruil] found *
    * new player [Cubik] found *
    * new player [QASHQAY] found *
    * new player [Unmasker] found *
    gameid 36 is calculating
    player [DhL] rating 509
    player [Pirate] rating 483
    player [Room_Kulya] rating 475
    player [[D]evil] rating 486
    player [Smoking] rating 490
    player [mosq] rating 518
    player [Iruil] rating 516
    player [Cubik] rating 512
    player [QASHQAY] rating 492
    player [Unmasker] rating 505
    gameid 37 found
    * new player [Silvestr] found *
    * new player [drinking] found *
    * new player [br0] found *
    * new player [GARBAGE] found *
    * new player [SLIPknot] found *
    * new player [HellLighT] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    gameid 37 is calculating
    player [Silvestr] rating 498
    player [drinking] rating 506
    player [br0] rating 493
    player [GARBAGE] rating 497
    player [SLIPknot] rating 505
    player [HellLighT] rating 514
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 508
    player [move] rating 493
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 533
    player [346] rating 596
    gameid 38 found
    * new player [mosq] found *
    * new player [wol4ek] found *
    * new player [Foreman] found *
    * new player [Room_Kulya] found *
    * new player [SpriNG_nectar] found *
    * new player [Unmasker] found *
    * new player [polin4ik] found *
    * new player [[Ice]Pricolist] found *
    * new player [Smoking] found *
    gameid 38 is calculating
    player [mosq] rating 486
    player [DhL] rating 509
    player [wol4ek] rating 494
    player [Foreman] rating 485
    player [Room_Kulya] rating 498
    player [SpriNG_nectar] rating 493
    player [Unmasker] rating 520
    player [polin4ik] rating 494
    player [[Ice]Pricolist] rating 506
    player [Smoking] rating 513
    gameid 39 found
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Asket[MW]] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Artful] found *
    * new player [245] found *
    * new player [SLIPknot] found *
    * new player [--]JLekTpuK] found *
    gameid 39 is calculating
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 571
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 517
    player [346] rating 617
    player [Asket[MW]] rating 515
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 522
    player [HellLighT] rating 513
    player [Artful] rating 483
    player [245] rating 478
    player [SLIPknot] rating 492
    player [--]JLekTpuK] rating 486
    gameid 40 found
    * new player [chepuha] found *
    * new player [SyslekiFpereD] found *
    * new player [nogJIbIu_Tpyc] found *
    * new player [notforyou-_-] found *
    * new player [Sh-kiper] found *
    * new player [refl] found *
    * new player [pme] found *
    * new player [Handy_Hoo] found *
    * new player [Smoking] found *
    gameid 40 is calculating
    player [chepuha] rating 500
    player [DhL] rating 519
    player [SyslekiFpereD] rating 484
    player [nogJIbIu_Tpyc] rating 494
    player [notforyou-_-] rating 489
    player [Sh-kiper] rating 531
    player [refl] rating 517
    player [pme] rating 494
    player [Handy_Hoo] rating 523
    player [Smoking] rating 507
    gameid 41 found
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [DamNooByFory] found *
    * new player [DJamily] found *
    * new player [cumm] found *
    * new player [[Jekyll]] found *
    * new player [Asket[MW]] found *
    gameid 41 is calculating
    player [SH1z1k-] rating 585
    player [346] rating 630
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 496
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 493
    player [DamNooByFory] rating 493
    player [DJamily] rating 488
    player [cumm] rating 517
    player [HellLighT] rating 513
    player [[Jekyll]] rating 487
    player [Asket[MW]] rating 523
    gameid 42 found
    * new player [098] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Xzyj] found *
    * new player [ABbIp] found *
    * new player [Co1t] found *
    * new player [Shashlblck] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [cumm] found *
    gameid 42 is calculating
    player [346] rating 648
    player [098] rating 512
    player [Broken] rating 501
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 517
    player [Xzyj] rating 526
    player [ABbIp] rating 480
    player [Co1t] rating 481
    player [Shashlblck] rating 502
    player [Cmakoff] rating 490
    player [cumm] rating 508
    gameid 43 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Xzyj] found *
    * new player [eoL_SNOOPY_eL] found *
    * new player [Ha[sh]a_Ba[sh]a] found *
    * new player [dEL_Piero] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    * new player [Lendr] found *
    * new player [cumm] found *
    gameid 43 is calculating
    player [346] rating 652
    player [098] rating 524
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 523
    player [Xzyj] rating 519
    player [eoL_SNOOPY_eL] rating 510
    player [Ha[sh]a_Ba[sh]a] rating 495
    player [dEL_Piero] rating 501
    player [Broken] rating 500
    player [Lendr] rating 495
    player [cumm] rating 495
    gameid 44 found
    * new player [e2e4] found *
    * new player [eoL_SNOOPY_eL] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [snowba11] found *
    * new player [[Coyote]Mister] found *
    * new player [cumm] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    * new player [Xzyj] found *
    gameid 44 is calculating
    player [346] rating 662
    player [098] rating 534
    player [e2e4] rating 509
    player [eoL_SNOOPY_eL] rating 514
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 512
    player [snowba11] rating 498
    player [[Coyote]Mister] rating 495
    player [cumm] rating 497
    player [Broken] rating 508
    player [Xzyj] rating 504
    gameid 45 found
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [mister0x] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Xzyj] found *
    * new player [cumm] found *
    * new player [[Coyote]Mister] found *
    * new player [RoshanHunter] found *
    * new player [snowba11] found *
    gameid 45 is calculating
    player [346] rating 691
    player [098] rating 552
    player [Frenzy] rating 516
    player [mister0x] rating 516
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 514
    player [Xzyj] rating 508
    player [cumm] rating 498
    player [[Coyote]Mister] rating 493
    player [RoshanHunter] rating 477
    player [snowba11] rating 511
    gameid 46 found
    * new player [N0ok1a] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [ThreeEvil] found *
    * new player [Xzyj] found *
    * new player [Ha[sh]a_Ba[sh]a] found *
    * new player [u3_3a_yrJIa] found *
    * new player [cumm] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    gameid 46 is calculating
    player [346] rating 697
    player [098] rating 577
    player [N0ok1a] rating 512
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 522
    player [ThreeEvil] rating 513
    player [Xzyj] rating 497
    player [Ha[sh]a_Ba[sh]a] rating 495
    player [u3_3a_yrJIa] rating 494
    player [cumm] rating 485
    player [Frenzy] rating 494
    gameid 47 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [ThreeEvil] found *
    * new player [Mariner] found *
    * new player [KALbI4] found *
    * new player [polin4ik] found *
    * new player [yx-TbI] found *
    * new player [Xpon1k] found *
    gameid 47 is calculating
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 517
    player [346] rating 717
    player [Frenzy] rating 507
    player [098] rating 572
    player [ThreeEvil] rating 512
    player [Mariner] rating 494
    player [KALbI4] rating 483
    player [polin4ik] rating 489
    player [yx-TbI] rating 493
    player [Xpon1k] rating 505
    gameid 48 found
    * new player [soopar] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [morph] found *
    * new player [Mariner] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [minus-] found *
    * new player [Clayman] found *
    * new player [mEph] found *
    gameid 48 is calculating
    player [346] rating 730
    player [098] rating 610
    player [soopar] rating 503
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 524
    player [morph] rating 503
    player [Mariner] rating 496
    player [Frenzy] rating 497
    player [minus-] rating 498
    player [Clayman] rating 483
    player [mEph] rating 501
    gameid 49 found
    gameid 49 has no players, ignoring
    gameid 50 found
    * new player [AYAN_TOPOR777] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [N0ok1a] found *
    * new player [SoRLaG] found *
    * new player [Online[]Ka3ak] found *
    * new player [morph] found *
    * new player [XopBaT_] found *
    gameid 50 is calculating
    player [346] rating 751
    player [AYAN_TOPOR777] rating 516
    player [098] rating 623
    player [Frenzy] rating 525
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 528
    player [N0ok1a] rating 487
    player [SoRLaG] rating 477
    player [Online[]Ka3ak] rating 488
    player [morph] rating 503
    player [XopBaT_] rating 481
    gameid 51 found
    * new player [KOJIA] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [XopBaT_] found *
    * new player [koxei] found *
    * new player [GrEaT_D0TeR] found *
    * new player [ximer] found *
    * new player [Online[]Ka3ak] found *
    gameid 51 is calculating
    player [346] rating 775
    player [098] rating 641
    player [KOJIA] rating 508
    player [Frenzy] rating 510
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 535
    player [XopBaT_] rating 490
    player [koxei] rating 499
    player [GrEaT_D0TeR] rating 479
    player [ximer] rating 476
    player [Online[]Ka3ak] rating 490
    gameid 52 found
    gameid 52 has no players, ignoring
    gameid 53 found
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [chelovek_Ogurec] found *
    * new player [Online[]Ka3ak] found *
    * new player [Gosu_Svarshick-] found *
    * new player [XopBaT_] found *
    * new player [_PereKUR_] found *
    gameid 53 is calculating
    player [346] rating 789
    player [098] rating 656
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 510
    player [chelovek_Ogurec] rating 505
    player [Online[]Ka3ak] rating 492
    player [Gosu_Svarshick-] rating 505
    player [XopBaT_] rating 494
    player [_PereKUR_] rating 496
    gameid 54 found
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [who_is_who] found *
    * new player [pRiK0JI] found *
    * new player [[un]h0ly] found *
    * new player [xDOOMx] found *
    * new player [TalimaN] found *
    * new player [4okak] found *
    gameid 54 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 55 found
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [kiss_me_please] found *
    * new player [Imeu-_-pravo] found *
    * new player [ThreeEvil] found *
    * new player [waQ] found *
    * new player [Takka] found *
    * new player [Tauckuu_CyTeHep] found *
    gameid 55 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 56 found
    * new player [kiss_me_please] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [karl-karlovich] found *
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [MEHT9iPA] found *
    * new player [waQ] found *
    * new player [Evgen] found *
    gameid 56 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 57 found
    * new player [m3th0d] found *
    * new player [kiss_me_please] found *
    * new player [[KingMax]] found *
    * new player [4erniyVlastelin] found *
    * new player [leeonn] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [round] found *
    * new player [Smoking] found *
    gameid 57 is calculating
    player [m3th0d] rating 515
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 555
    player [DhL] rating 535
    player [kiss_me_please] rating 492
    player [[KingMax]] rating 495
    player [4erniyVlastelin] rating 489
    player [leeonn] rating 480
    player [Bac9_neo4em] rating 494
    player [round] rating 485
    player [Smoking] rating 502
    gameid 58 found
    * new player [He11effect] found *
    * new player [happynoob] found *
    * new player [bonan_zzza] found *
    * new player [waQ] found *
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [Handy_Hoo] found *
    * new player [morkovka4] found *
    gameid 58 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 59 found
    * new player [Bac9_neo4em] found *
    * new player [marazeppa] found *
    * new player [Handy_Hoo] found *
    gameid 59 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 60 found
    * new player [4erniyVlastelin] found *
    * new player [Ju[s]Tin] found *
    * new player [snowba11] found *
    * new player [INutsI] found *
    * new player [Ore] found *
    * new player [[Bsk]Dancer] found *
    * new player [shagrath] found *
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [Handy_Hoo] found *
    gameid 60 is calculating
    player [Sh1z1k-] rating 617
    player [4erniyVlastelin] rating 514
    player [Ju[s]Tin] rating 512
    player [snowba11] rating 526
    player [INutsI] rating 513
    player [Ore] rating 499
    player [[Bsk]Dancer] rating 494
    player [shagrath] rating 479
    player [Danndy] rating 496
    player [Handy_Hoo] rating 501
    gameid 61 found
    * new player [[old_noob]duren] found *
    * new player [KarlkaraetKlaru] found *
    * new player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] found *
    gameid 61 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 62 found
    * new player [Sheldon_Cooper] found *
    * new player [Handy_Hoo] found *
    * new player [[-]Thekill] found *
    * new player [Ore] found *
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [aurel[blonde]] found *
    * new player [[Bsk]Dancer] found *
    * new player [lex15] found *
    gameid 62 is calculating
    player [Sh1z1k-] rating 627
    player [Sheldon_Cooper] rating 508
    player [346] rating 807
    player [Handy_Hoo] rating 514
    player [[-]Thekill] rating 510
    player [Ore] rating 493
    player [Danndy] rating 498
    player [aurel[blonde]] rating 495
    player [[Bsk]Dancer] rating 499
    player [lex15] rating 489
    gameid 63 found
    * new player [pit] found *
    * new player [br0] found *
    * new player [duke_nukeh] found *
    * new player [Evgen] found *
    * new player [nasiLbnik] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    gameid 63 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 64 found
    * new player [Anatoliy[M-in]] found *
    * new player [GarolD] found *
    * new player [barabwka] found *
    * new player [lEpeshQa] found *
    * new player [waQ] found *
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [Wdof] found *
    * new player [Killaz] found *
    gameid 64 is calculating
    player [Murcielago-] rating 620
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 583
    player [Anatoliy[M-in]] rating 515
    player [GarolD] rating 513
    player [barabwka] rating 506
    player [lEpeshQa] rating 490
    player [waQ] rating 480
    player [Danndy] rating 479
    player [Wdof] rating 495
    player [Killaz] rating 480
    gameid 65 found
    * new player [shagrath] found *
    * new player [Efreet] found *
    * new player [Shevchyk-] found *
    * new player [HeT_BonpocoB] found *
    * new player [KaifMan] found *
    * new player [_xam4ik_] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [cepx] found *
    gameid 65 is calculating
    player [Murcielago-] rating 622
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 580
    player [shagrath] rating 491
    player [Efreet] rating 485
    player [Shevchyk-] rating 497
    player [HeT_BonpocoB] rating 509
    player [KaifMan] rating 491
    player [_xam4ik_] rating 511
    player [Cmakoff] rating 517
    player [cepx] rating 513
    gameid 66 found
    * new player [Dir0L] found *
    * new player [HOBL] found *
    * new player [KALbI4] found *
    * new player [SmallTownBoy] found *
    * new player [cepx] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [Jiu4] found *
    * new player [kroman] found *
    gameid 66 is calculating
    player [Murcielago-] rating 641
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 597
    player [Dir0L] rating 523
    player [HOBL] rating 514
    player [KALbI4] rating 494
    player [SmallTownBoy] rating 490
    player [cepx] rating 485
    player [Cmakoff] rating 492
    player [Jiu4] rating 489
    player [kroman] rating 501
    gameid 67 found
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [HOBL] found *
    * new player [Fizik] found *
    * new player [[-]Thekill] found *
    * new player [SmallTownBoy] found *
    * new player [sashok] found *
    * new player [GamesMaster] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [Vindictiv] found *
    gameid 67 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 612
    player [THEBEST] rating 536
    player [HOBL] rating 500
    player [Fizik] rating 524
    player [[-]Thekill] rating 510
    player [SmallTownBoy] rating 488
    player [sashok] rating 494
    player [GamesMaster] rating 481
    player [Cmakoff] rating 490
    player [Vindictiv] rating 513
    gameid 68 found
    * new player [skiL8er] found *
    * new player [HOBL] found *
    * new player [[TD]-LLIauTaH] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [SmallTownBoy] found *
    * new player [[RedFox]] found *
    * new player [krakadil] found *
    * new player [Fizik] found *
    gameid 68 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 663
    player [skiL8er] rating 557
    player [HOBL] rating 559
    player [[TD]-LLIauTaH] rating 494
    player [THEBEST] rating 596
    player [SmallTownBoy] rating 452
    player [Sh1z1k-] rating 588
    player [[RedFox]] rating 471
    player [krakadil] rating 459
    player [Fizik] rating 466
    gameid 69 found
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [Fizik] found *
    * new player [HOBL] found *
    * new player [Siferous] found *
    * new player [mikser] found *
    * new player [cekir_balllka] found *
    * new player [[-]Thekill] found *
    gameid 69 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 70 found
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [MOOZ] found *
    * new player [Fizik] found *
    * new player [[-]Thekill] found *
    * new player [GamesMaster] found *
    * new player [Cubik] found *
    * new player [eb-ka] found *
    gameid 70 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 71 found
    * new player [MOOZ] found *
    * new player [Fizik] found *
    * new player [[-]Thekill] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [Silkwo0d] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    gameid 71 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 72 found
    * new player [Fizik] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    * new player [6puTHu[cnupc]] found *
    * new player [Pinochet] found *
    gameid 72 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 73 found
    * new player [Br1Ght] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [4173RN471v3] found *
    * new player [pit] found *
    * new player [mach1ne] found *
    * new player [[TD]-LLIauTaH] found *
    * new player [TrueF] found *
    gameid 73 is calculating
    player [346] rating 825
    player [HellLighT] rating 528
    player [Br1Ght] rating 508
    player [Cmakoff] rating 507
    player [4173RN471v3] rating 520
    player [pit] rating 496
    player [mach1ne] rating 488
    player [[TD]-LLIauTaH] rating 494
    player [TrueF] rating 490
    player [098] rating 654
    gameid 74 found
    * new player [GLn] found *
    * new player [greedy] found *
    * new player [dEL_Piero] found *
    * new player [DoTheWorld] found *
    * new player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] found *
    * new player [GavRRr] found *
    * new player [ebakca] found *
    * new player [PerFuMe] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    gameid 74 is calculating
    player [Sh1z1k-] rating 572
    player [GLn] rating 481
    player [greedy] rating 504
    player [dEL_Piero] rating 485
    player [DoTheWorld] rating 503
    player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] rating 494
    player [GavRRr] rating 510
    player [ebakca] rating 496
    player [PerFuMe] rating 513
    player [Broken] rating 525
    gameid 75 found
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    * new player [soopar] found *
    * new player [[Coyote]Mister] found *
    * new player [[TM]Alien[GoSu]] found *
    * new player [nkzloy] found *
    * new player [Anatoliy[M-in]] found *
    * new player [Br1Ght] found *
    gameid 75 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 698
    player [p0rka] rating 530
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 558
    player [Desperate] rating 543
    player [soopar] rating 552
    player [[Coyote]Mister] rating 482
    player [[TM]Alien[GoSu]] rating 464
    player [nkzloy] rating 458
    player [Anatoliy[M-in]] rating 480
    player [Br1Ght] rating 466
    gameid 76 found
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    * new player [soopar] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [Ganj1k] found *
    * new player [PureZone] found *
    * new player [turok[kill]] found *
    * new player [greedy] found *
    gameid 76 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 719
    player [346] rating 832
    player [p0rka] rating 502
    player [soopar] rating 510
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 520
    player [Cmakoff] rating 515
    player [Ganj1k] rating 504
    player [PureZone] rating 491
    player [turok[kill]] rating 496
    player [greedy] rating 490
    gameid 77 found
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    * new player [77-77] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [PureZone] found *
    * new player [polin4ik] found *
    * new player [[Coyote]Mister] found *
    * new player [junior_st_90] found *
    * new player [Alexfin_] found *
    gameid 77 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 743
    player [346] rating 867
    player [p0rka] rating 502
    player [77-77] rating 511
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 525
    player [PureZone] rating 487
    player [polin4ik] rating 482
    player [[Coyote]Mister] rating 484
    player [junior_st_90] rating 488
    player [Alexfin_] rating 493
    gameid 78 found
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [lEpeshQa] found *
    * new player [PureZone] found *
    * new player [junior_st_90] found *
    * new player [SLIPknot] found *
    gameid 78 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 752
    player [346] rating 880
    player [Frenzy] rating 515
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 503
    player [lEpeshQa] rating 504
    player [PureZone] rating 491
    player [junior_st_90] rating 498
    player [SLIPknot] rating 496
    gameid 79 found
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [duke_nukeh] found *
    * new player [Dngrs] found *
    * new player [sweetloo] found *
    * new player [MOHAX] found *
    * new player [_Flabber_] found *
    gameid 79 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 755
    player [346] rating 900
    player [p0rka] rating 515
    player [Frenzy] rating 519
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 528
    player [duke_nukeh] rating 493
    player [Dngrs] rating 499
    player [sweetloo] rating 493
    player [MOHAX] rating 494
    player [_Flabber_] rating 493
    gameid 80 found
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    * new player [Dngrs] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [MOHAX] found *
    * new player [sweetloo] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [[oxotnik]] found *
    * new player [MuterFragoNooba] found *
    gameid 80 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 762
    player [346] rating 923
    player [p0rka] rating 504
    player [Dngrs] rating 527
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 507
    player [MOHAX] rating 497
    player [sweetloo] rating 496
    player [Frenzy] rating 506
    player [[oxotnik]] rating 501
    player [MuterFragoNooba] rating 493
    gameid 81 found
    * new player [Dngrs] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [[oxotnik]] found *
    * new player [sweetloo] found *
    * new player [MuterFragoNooba] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    gameid 81 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 760
    player [346] rating 925
    player [AYAN_TOPOR777] rating 521
    player [Dngrs] rating 497
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 497
    player [[oxotnik]] rating 511
    player [sweetloo] rating 510
    player [MuterFragoNooba] rating 510
    player [Frenzy] rating 527
    player [p0rka] rating 501
    gameid 82 found
    * new player [do100evskiy] found *
    * new player [p0rka] found *
    * new player [Dngrs] found *
    * new player [r4f-] found *
    * new player [BuTeK[OK]] found *
    * new player [S_D] found *
    * new player [XSteel] found *
    * new player [z1p_-] found *
    * new player [[oxotnik]] found *
    gameid 82 is calculating
    player [do100evskiy] rating 481
    player [p0rka] rating 534
    player [Dngrs] rating 515
    player [r4f-] rating 480
    player [BuTeK[OK]] rating 478
    player [S_D] rating 488
    player [XSteel] rating 508
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 773
    player [z1p_-] rating 484
    player [[oxotnik]] rating 517
    gameid 83 found
    * new player [tequila] found *
    * new player [X-Nova] found *
    * new player [spiker] found *
    * new player [igoruxa] found *
    * new player [brigadir] found *
    * new player [nikitas] found *
    gameid 83 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 84 found
    * new player [Dosik] found *
    * new player [Info] found *
    * new player [dasada] found *
    * new player [VIT] found *
    * new player [yayo] found *
    * new player [gpam] found *
    * new player [xDOOMx] found *
    * new player [XSteel] found *
    * new player [Doiz_] found *
    gameid 84 is calculating
    player [Dosik] rating 489
    player [Info] rating 484
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 793
    player [dasada] rating 486
    player [VIT] rating 490
    player [yayo] rating 522
    player [gpam] rating 512
    player [xDOOMx] rating 507
    player [XSteel] rating 503
    player [Doiz_] rating 508
    gameid 85 found
    * new player [R-TeM] found *
    * new player [brigadir] found *
    * new player [yx-TbI] found *
    * new player [X-Nova] found *
    * new player [gdenv] found *
    * new player [tequila] found *
    * new player [[PvP]uzer] found *
    gameid 85 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 86 found
    * new player [XSteel] found *
    * new player [gpam] found *
    * new player [L1senOK] found *
    * new player [xDOOMx] found *
    * new player [NStain] found *
    * new player [polniy_profun] found *
    * new player [Strepsi1s] found *
    * new player [BrokeMaster] found *
    * new player [[z]Black[xep]3D] found *
    gameid 86 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 817
    player [XSteel] rating 506
    player [gpam] rating 515
    player [L1senOK] rating 510
    player [xDOOMx] rating 493
    player [NStain] rating 481
    player [polniy_profun] rating 492
    player [Strepsi1s] rating 502
    player [BrokeMaster] rating 481
    player [[z]Black[xep]3D] rating 502
    gameid 87 found
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [kiss_me_please] found *
    * new player [KarlkaraetKlaru] found *
    * new player [ZiD_An] found *
    * new player [Room_Kulya] found *
    * new player [polin4ik] found *
    gameid 87 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 88 found
    * new player [ZeroCooL] found *
    * new player [Thames] found *
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [viva_-] found *
    * new player [XSteel] found *
    * new player [cheNet] found *
    * new player [juxtapose] found *
    * new player [polniy_profun] found *
    * new player [Evgen] found *
    gameid 88 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 815
    player [ZeroCooL] rating 497
    player [Thames] rating 497
    player [Frenzy] rating 497
    player [viva_-] rating 497
    player [XSteel] rating 505
    player [cheNet] rating 505
    player [juxtapose] rating 505
    player [polniy_profun] rating 505
    player [Evgen] rating 505
    gameid 89 found
    * new player [MoRoZ[Recpil]] found *
    * new player [kiss_me_please] found *
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [region70rus] found *
    * new player [Neeeek] found *
    * new player [TalimaN] found *
    * new player [Ganimed] found *
    * new player [happynoob] found *
    * new player [xXxCuJIa4xXx] found *
    gameid 89 is calculating
    player [Murcielago-] rating 682
    player [MoRoZ[Recpil]] rating 506
    player [kiss_me_please] rating 518
    player [Danndy] rating 510
    player [region70rus] rating 514
    player [Neeeek] rating 482
    player [TalimaN] rating 491
    player [Ganimed] rating 497
    player [happynoob] rating 486
    player [xXxCuJIa4xXx] rating 486
    gameid 90 found
    * new player [Frenzy] found *
    * new player [Strepsi1s] found *
    * new player [XSteel] found *
    * new player [polniy_profun] found *
    * new player [[BK]DonKarleone] found *
    * new player [ft][UnForGive] found *
    * new player [Evgen] found *
    * new player [cheNet] found *
    gameid 90 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 836
    player [ZeroCooL] rating 509
    player [Frenzy] rating 508
    player [Strepsi1s] rating 509
    player [XSteel] rating 520
    player [polniy_profun] rating 495
    player [[BK]DonKarleone] rating 494
    player [ft][UnForGive] rating 493
    player [Evgen] rating 499
    player [cheNet] rating 502
    gameid 91 found
    * new player [MEHT9iPA] found *
    * new player [Danndy] found *
    * new player [junior_st_90] found *
    * new player [pit_bul[l]] found *
    * new player [vot_eto_prikol] found *
    * new player [shagrath] found *
    * new player [low] found *
    gameid 91 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 92 found
    * new player [junior_st_90] found *
    * new player [Jungeer] found *
    * new player [FReeM[NvE]] found *
    * new player [autocad] found *
    * new player [mikser] found *
    * new player [sAh] found *
    * new player [itf] found *
    gameid 92 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 93 found
    * new player [mageridon] found *
    * new player [TugRRRa] found *
    * new player [Morphl1ng-_-] found *
    * new player [Tumba_Yumba] found *
    * new player [ThreeEvil] found *
    * new player [xutpblu] found *
    * new player [Online[]Kameta] found *
    gameid 93 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 94 found
    * new player [TugRRRa] found *
    * new player [Iruil] found *
    * new player [Natr1um] found *
    * new player [g00fy[k]] found *
    * new player [ToBeContinued] found *
    * new player [nynCaHbl4] found *
    * new player [EternalDream] found *
    * new player [KinoMax] found *
    * new player [Online[]Kameta] found *
    gameid 94 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 834
    player [TugRRRa] rating 497
    player [Iruil] rating 497
    player [Natr1um] rating 497
    player [g00fy[k]] rating 497
    player [ToBeContinued] rating 505
    player [nynCaHbl4] rating 505
    player [EternalDream] rating 505
    player [KinoMax] rating 505
    player [Online[]Kameta] rating 505
    gameid 95 found
    * new player [TugRRRa] found *
    * new player [[nerub]] found *
    * new player [Sh-kiper] found *
    * new player [INutsI] found *
    * new player [EternalDream] found *
    * new player [collapse_] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    gameid 95 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 96 found
    * new player [TugRRRa] found *
    * new player [EternalDream] found *
    * new player [ToBeContinued] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    gameid 96 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 97 found
    * new player [Asket[MW]] found *
    * new player [TugRRRa] found *
    * new player [brigadir] found *
    * new player [Lelouch-Zero] found *
    * new player [selens] found *
    * new player [[PvP]Rovshik] found *
    * new player [minus-] found *
    * new player [antonfff] found *
    * new player [Qfrog] found *
    gameid 97 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 841
    player [Asket[MW]] rating 484
    player [TugRRRa] rating 498
    player [brigadir] rating 490
    player [Lelouch-Zero] rating 498
    player [selens] rating 511
    player [[PvP]Rovshik] rating 528
    player [minus-] rating 519
    player [antonfff] rating 494
    player [Qfrog] rating 494
    gameid 98 found
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    * new player [Lelouch-Zero] found *
    * new player [selens] found *
    * new player [2puk] found *
    * new player [minus-] found *
    * new player [pulling] found *
    * new player [[NazGul]] found *
    gameid 98 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 99 found
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    * new player [Loc-dog] found *
    * new player [minus-] found *
    * new player [THEBEST] found *
    * new player [mosq] found *
    gameid 99 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 100 found
    * new player [noobboy] found *
    * new player [Kertiz] found *
    * new player [Iruil] found *
    * new player [[PvP]Rovshik] found *
    * new player [Mascarpone] found *
    * new player [KIKOF] found *
    * new player [EternalDream] found *
    * new player [Xpon1k] found *
    * new player [brigadir] found *
    gameid 100 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 857
    player [noobboy] rating 518
    player [Kertiz] rating 507
    player [Iruil] rating 513
    player [[PvP]Rovshik] rating 521
    player [Mascarpone] rating 497
    player [KIKOF] rating 488
    player [EternalDream] rating 492
    player [Xpon1k] rating 495
    player [brigadir] rating 499
    gameid 101 found
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    * new player [Rinn] found *
    * new player [minus-] found *
    * new player [toma_ebolay] found *
    * new player [TAKOYVOTNIK] found *
    gameid 101 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 102 found
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    * new player [[TD]-LLIauTaH] found *
    * new player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] found *
    * new player [Leeonn] found *
    * new player [THXK] found *
    * new player [I3erserk] found *
    * new player [Soul_E] found *
    * new player [P[i]ckuper_-] found *
    * new player [77-77] found *
    gameid 102 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 883
    player [Desperate] rating 511
    player [[TD]-LLIauTaH] rating 514
    player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] rating 514
    player [Leeonn] rating 493
    player [THXK] rating 485
    player [I3erserk] rating 497
    player [Soul_E] rating 493
    player [P[i]ckuper_-] rating 494
    player [77-77] rating 490
    gameid 103 found
    * new player [[Coyote]Mister] found *
    gameid 103 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 104 found
    * new player [Format] found *
    gameid 104 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 105 found
    * new player [[PvP]Rovshik] found *
    * new player [Blond] found *
    * new player [Hangman] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    * new player [Brosok_kobr] found *
    * new player [I3erserk] found *
    * new player [EternalDream] found *
    * new player [Diako] found *
    * new player [brigadir] found *
    gameid 105 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 898
    player [[PvP]Rovshik] rating 511
    player [Blond] rating 502
    player [Hangman] rating 524
    player [Desperate] rating 507
    player [Brosok_kobr] rating 486
    player [I3erserk] rating 506
    player [EternalDream] rating 495
    player [Diako] rating 503
    player [brigadir] rating 493
    gameid 106 found
    * new player [nec] found *
    gameid 106 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 107 found
    * new player [[PvP]Rovshik] found *
    * new player [WAE] found *
    * new player [[GiN]] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    * new player [XpeH] found *
    * new player [kroman] found *
    * new player [eb-ka] found *
    * new player [I3erserk] found *
    * new player [Room_Kulya] found *
    gameid 107 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 904
    player [[PvP]Rovshik] rating 485
    player [WAE] rating 487
    player [[GiN]] rating 483
    player [Desperate] rating 502
    player [XpeH] rating 505
    player [kroman] rating 511
    player [eb-ka] rating 512
    player [I3erserk] rating 498
    player [Room_Kulya] rating 507
    gameid 108 found
    * new player [xXxCuJIa4xXx] found *
    * new player [Legalexpert] found *
    * new player [ArtemForever-_-] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    * new player [ryDpa] found *
    * new player [Broken] found *
    * new player [eneRgy-] found *
    * new player [HAMMERTIME] found *
    * new player [mikser] found *
    gameid 108 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 901
    player [xXxCuJIa4xXx] rating 497
    player [Legalexpert] rating 497
    player [ArtemForever-_-] rating 497
    player [Desperate] rating 497
    player [ryDpa] rating 505
    player [Broken] rating 505
    player [eneRgy-] rating 505
    player [HAMMERTIME] rating 505
    player [mikser] rating 505
    gameid 109 found
    * new player [Sh-kiper] found *
    * new player [mikser] found *
    * new player [SLIPknot] found *
    * new player [Legalexpert] found *
    * new player [D[e]NDY] found *
    * new player [yx-TbI] found *
    * new player [-Pro][FBI_-] found *
    * new player [Artful] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    gameid 109 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 917
    player [Sh-kiper] rating 518
    player [mikser] rating 492
    player [SLIPknot] rating 499
    player [Legalexpert] rating 512
    player [D[e]NDY] rating 496
    player [yx-TbI] rating 495
    player [-Pro][FBI_-] rating 487
    player [Artful] rating 510
    player [Desperate] rating 509
    gameid 110 found
    * new player [mikser] found *
    * new player [Artful] found *
    * new player [I_love_you_baby] found *
    * new player [I3erserk] found *
    * new player [Cmakoff] found *
    * new player [77-77] found *
    * new player [siniy_iniy] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    gameid 110 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 927
    player [HellLighT] rating 552
    player [mikser] rating 515
    player [Artful] rating 511
    player [I_love_you_baby] rating 518
    player [I3erserk] rating 496
    player [Cmakoff] rating 498
    player [77-77] rating 492
    player [siniy_iniy] rating 493
    player [Desperate] rating 493
    gameid 111 found
    * new player [notforyou-_-] found *
    * new player [Artful] found *
    * new player [[NazGul]] found *
    * new player [Desperate] found *
    * new player [-Figaro-] found *
    * new player [[TeR]-Varsh] found *
    * new player [eX-RusseL] found *
    * new player [atataizer] found *
    * new player [[Ice]Pricolist] found *
    gameid 111 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 967
    player [notforyou-_-] rating 506
    player [Artful] rating 512
    player [[NazGul]] rating 508
    player [Desperate] rating 524
    player [-Figaro-] rating 490
    player [[TeR]-Varsh] rating 494
    player [eX-RusseL] rating 497
    player [atataizer] rating 492
    player [[Ice]Pricolist] rating 482
    gameid 112 found
    * new player [HOBL] found *
    * new player [[Ice]Pricolist] found *
    * new player [llex] found *
    * new player [sirius224] found *
    * new player [e2e4] found *
    * new player [atila] found *
    * new player [[TM]Alien[GoSu]] found *
    * new player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] found *
    * new player [ft][UnForGive] found *
    gameid 112 is calculating
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 998
    player [HOBL] rating 508
    player [[Ice]Pricolist] rating 511
    player [llex] rating 510
    player [sirius224] rating 512
    player [e2e4] rating 498
    player [atila] rating 491
    player [[TM]Alien[GoSu]] rating 499
    player [[U_S]-Nosferatu] rating 501
    player [ft][UnForGive] rating 501
    gameid 113 found
    * new player [Engival_lirva] found *
    * new player [gl][wickedsick] found *
    * new player [HOBL] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [juicee] found *
    * new player [doktor-lekar] found *
    * new player [Fatal-] found *
    * new player [Stopyanegame] found *
    * new player [TROO] found *
    gameid 113 is calculating
    player [I_love_you_baby] rating 516
    player [Engival_lirva] rating 497
    player [gl][wickedsick] rating 497
    player [HOBL] rating 498
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 500
    player [juicee] rating 504
    player [doktor-lekar] rating 504
    player [Fatal-] rating 505
    player [Stopyanegame] rating 504
    player [TROO] rating 503
    gameid 114 found
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    * new player [Sanek_1979] found *
    * new player [Cl[o]se] found *
    * new player [GKT] found *
    * new player [death-grib] found *
    * new player [Black_falcon] found *
    * new player [INutsI] found *
    * new player [qpumepc_oqp_qec] found *
    * new player [uefa_iluxa] found *
    gameid 114 is calculating
    player [I_love_you_baby] rating 527
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 534
    player [Sanek_1979] rating 515
    player [Cl[o]se] rating 505
    player [GKT] rating 506
    player [death-grib] rating 499
    player [Black_falcon] rating 500
    player [INutsI] rating 475
    player [qpumepc_oqp_qec] rating 479
    player [uefa_iluxa] rating 489
    gameid 115 found
    * new player [Interaction] found *
    * new player [e2e4] found *
    * new player [---A---] found *
    * new player [Sanek_1979] found *
    * new player [4erv9k_Onotolei] found *
    * new player [Laru[AD]] found *
    * new player [pme] found *
    * new player [Intelligencia-_] found *
    * new player [Murdermachine] found *
    * new player [ImtL[elek]] found *
    gameid 115 is calculating
    player [Interaction] rating 505
    player [e2e4] rating 497
    player [---A---] rating 505
    player [Sanek_1979] rating 497
    player [4erv9k_Onotolei] rating 505
    player [Laru[AD]] rating 505
    player [pme] rating 497
    player [Intelligencia-_] rating 505
    player [Murdermachine] rating 497
    player [ImtL[elek]] rating 497
    gameid 116 found
    * new player [skiL8er] found *
    * new player [Ant-off] found *
    * new player [xKuLeRx] found *
    * new player [Milanochka] found *
    * new player [eXereS-_-] found *
    gameid 116 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 117 found
    * new player [handline] found *
    * new player [Kpynbe] found *
    * new player [skiL8er] found *
    * new player [Legalexpert] found *
    * new player [TROO] found *
    * new player [D1mansS] found *
    * new player [[Sic]Ness] found *
    gameid 117 is calculating
    player [Silvestr] rating 503
    player [Silvestr] rating 498
    player [Silvestr] rating 484
    player [handline] rating 490
    player [Kpynbe] rating 488
    player [skiL8er] rating 483
    player [Legalexpert] rating 496
    player [TROO] rating 529
    player [D1mansS] rating 489
    player [[Sic]Ness] rating 499
    gameid 118 found
    * new player [snowba11] found *
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    * new player [Bozon_Higgsa] found *
    * new player [Lsd-ff] found *
    gameid 118 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 119 found
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    gameid 119 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 120 found
    * new player [ZiD_An] found *
    * new player [Kertis] found *
    * new player [[IIapo]_[Bo3uK]] found *
    * new player [SeL3n] found *
    * new player [BYCH] found *
    * new player [Lsd-ff] found *
    * new player [Morphl1ng-_-] found *
    * new player [-B-E-A-R-] found *
    * new player [kzrMASKA] found *
    gameid 120 is calculating
    player [Murcielago-] rating 711
    player [ZiD_An] rating 504
    player [Kertis] rating 496
    player [[IIapo]_[Bo3uK]] rating 513
    player [SeL3n] rating 505
    player [BYCH] rating 487
    player [Lsd-ff] rating 495
    player [Morphl1ng-_-] rating 495
    player [-B-E-A-R-] rating 501
    player [kzrMASKA] rating 507
    gameid 121 found
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    gameid 121 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 122 found
    * new player [[evils]] found *
    * new player [1nt3r] found *
    gameid 122 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 123 found
    * new player [-_IGORb_-] found *
    gameid 123 has more than 10 players, ignoring
    gameid 124 found
    * new player [Dngrs] found *
    * new player [drinking] found *
    * new player [move] found *
    * new player [Expolife] found *
    * new player [GT-R] found *
    * new player [Kitaec_i_che] found *
    * new player [Zanketcu-] found *
    gameid 124 is calculating
    player [Dngrs] rating 520
    player [drinking] rating 508
    player [Murcielago-] rating 730
    player [move] rating 497
    player [nah_takoe_fc] rating 1013
    player [I_love_you_baby] rating 531
    player [Expolife] rating 493
    player [GT-R] rating 487
    player [Kitaec_i_che] rating 494
    player [Zanketcu-] rating 505