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проблемы со статой

Тема в разделе 'Кодинг/Собственные решения', создана пользователем Discover, 11 фев 2011.

  1. Discover Ньюфаг

    GhostOne, bd MySQL
    в Dota Open Stats все по дефолту, ниче не менял
    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {session_start();}
    *	Developers: Ivan.
    *	Contact: ivan.anta@gmail.com - Ivan
    *	Please see http://openstats.iz.rs
    *	and post your webpage there, so I know who's using it.
    *	Files downloaded from http://openstats.iz.rs
    *	Copyright (C) 2010  Ivan
    *	This file is part of DOTA OPENSTATS.
    *	 DOTA OPENSTATS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    *    (at your option) any later version.
    *    DOTA OPEN STATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    *    GNU General Public License for more details.
    *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    *    along with DOTA OPENSTATS.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
    $server = 'localhost';
    $username = 'd1scover';
    $password = 'myghost';
    $database = 'ghost';
    $default_style = 'dota';
    $default_language = 'russian';
    $bans_per_page = '20';
    $games_per_page = '20';
    $heroes_per_page = '30';
    $top_players_per_page = '30';
    $news_per_page = '5';
    $search_limit = '50';
    //This option will enable timed bans and warns (GhostOne feature).
    //Disable it if you dont use this feature or you will get error.
    $WarnAndExpireDate = '0';
    //Display fastest and longest game time win on User page
    $FastGameWon = '0';
    //Show frequently used items for every hero (2 for each slot)
    $ShowHeroMostUsedItems = '1';
    //Show most used heroes for every item. (Note: this can take up much more resources. Care with huge database)
    $ShowItemsMostUsedByHero = '1';
    //Show Items button on Menu buttons
    $enableItemsPage = '1';
    //Only for GhostOne
    $enableSafeListPage = '0'; 
    //All slots are shown on Game page (Although they play 2v2, 3v3...)
    //If this option is disabled then you can not see the exact slot of player. It will hide empty slots.
    $ShowAllSlotsInGame = '0';
    //Show total summary of all games (sentinel and scourge: wins, kills, creeps...)
    $ShowSentinelScourgeWon = '1';
    //Show Country Flags
    $CountryFlags = '1';
    //Show All Time Stats on Top page
    $AllTimeStats = '1';
    //All time stats. How many results to show for All time stats on Top page.
    $top_stats = '5';
    //Hide banned users on Top and Monthly page.
    $HideBannedUsersOnTop = '1';
    $displayUsersDisconnects = '1';
    //Filter the results on the game page by years, months and days
    $FiltersOnGamePage = '1';
    //Replay Location:
    $replayLocation = 'replays';
    //You can use timeoffset to match replay date (from -12 to 13 hours)
    //If replays working fine dont change this value (default 0).
    $replayTimeOffset = '0'; 
    //If Smart Parsing enabled replay will be saved into HTML output after first parsing. 
    //There is no need to parse same replay anymore.
    //If you disable this option replays will parse always
    $SmartParsing = '1';
    //Max. page links before and after current page
    $max_pagination_link = '5';
    //(Experimental) Get heroes data from playdota.com instead from database
    $ParsePDHeroes = '1';
    //Score Method 1. This method use score formula (see $scoreFormula below) to calucate users score. 
    //Score Method 2. This method use league system to calculate user score. Eg. wins*5 - losses*3 - disconnects*10 
    //On game page winner will receive 5 points, loosers will loose 3 points by default.
    $ScoreMethod = '2';
    //Here you can setup how many points user receive when he win, lose or disconnect.
    $ScoreStart = '1000';
    $ScoreWins = '15';
    $ScoreLosses = '-20';
    $ScoreDisc = '-10';
    //Score Method 1
    //(Only used if $DBScore = '0')
    $scoreFormula = '(((kills-deaths+assists*0.5+towerkills*0.5+raxkills*0.2+(courierkills+creepdenies)*0.1+neutralkills*0.03+creepkills*0.03) * .2)+(wins-losses))'; 
    //Pre-Calculate score
    //If enabled:  Player scores will be taken from the score table in your MySQL database. You must populate this table through your own methods.
    $DBScore = '1';
    //Minimal ratio (lefttime/duration) that a player/hero has to complete a game to be counted as win/loss. otherwise game is ignored.
    $minPlayedRatio = '0.8';
    $minGamesPlayed = '1';
    $date_format = 'd.m.Y H:i';
    //How many records to show for each month row
    $monthly_stats = '5';
    //Enable month rows. 1 - ENABLED, 0 - DISABLED
    //Top Kills,Top Assists,Top Deaths,Top Creep Kills,Top Creep Denies
    $monthRow1 = '1';
    //Top Gold,Top Neutrals,Top Towers,Top Rax,Top Couriers Kills
    $monthRow2 = '1';
    //Best K/D,Best A/D Ratio,Most games,Best Win %,Top Stay %
    $monthRow3 = '1';
    //Most Kills,Assists,Deaths,Creeps,Denies
    $monthRow4 = '0';
    //AVG Kills,Assists,Deaths,Creeps,Denies
    $monthRow5 = '0';
    $DaysOnMonthlyStats = '1';
    $TopRanksOnMonthly = '0';
    //Show Points gained for each game for all users on game page
    $UserPointsOnGamePage = '1';
    //If this option above is enabled, points  will be calculated accurately (from database)
    //It will calculate total score before and after selected game. (SCORE BEFORE)-(SCORE AFTER) = POINTS per game
    //This will also take up much more resources (queries)
    $AccuratePointsCalculation = '1';
    $head_admin = 'D1scoveR';
    $bot_name = 'ChameleoN';
    // Achievements plugin
     //Enable/disable User Achievements
    $UserAchievements = '1';
    // Configuration
    $KillsMedal = '500'; //Kill 500 enemy heroes!
    $AssistMedal = '200'; //Assist in 200 kills. How many kills to achieve this medal (default 200).
    $WinPercentMedal = '85'; //Achieve 85 % victory
    $KillsPercentMedal = '60'; //Achieve 60 % of kills.
    $GamesMedal = '50'; //Play 50 games!
    $WinsMedal = '50'; //Win 50 games!
    $CreepsMedal = '5000'; //Kill 5000 creeps!
    $DeniesMedal = '500'; //Deny 500 creeps!
    $TowersMedal = '50'; //Destroy 50 towers!
    $CouriersMedal = '30'; //Kill 30 enemy couriers!
    $NeutralsMedal = '500'; //Kill 500 neutrals!
    $PlayDurationMedal = '30'; //Play at least 30 hours!
    //*** SIGNATURES ***
    //Users can create signatures?
    $enableSignatures = '1';
    //Minimum number of games played to create signature
    $sigMinGames = '2';
    //Cache time of signature (in minutes)
    $sigCacheTime = '120'; 
    //Signature image quality ( 0 - 100 )
    $sigImageQuality = '90'; 
    //Show country flags on signature
    $sigCountryFlags = '1';
    //*** SETUP CACHING ***
    //Enable page caching
    $cachePages = '0';
    //Caching directory (you must create this directory)
    $cacheDir = 'cache';
    //Cache time in minutes (default 30 min)
    $cachetime = 60 * 30;
    //*** CACHE CONTROL ***
    //Show Last cached time and Next update time in footer
    $showUpdate = '0';
    //Cache all game pages
    $cacheAllGames = '0';
    //Cache all users
    $cacheAllUsers = '0';
    //*** CHAT ***
    $enable_chat = '1';
    //File to store all chats
    $chat_file = 'chat.txt';
    //Show date with username - NOTE: this is only for new messages
    $chat_show_date = '1';
    //How long user must wait before he can write a new message (default 3 sec.)
    $wait_time = 1000 * 3;
    //Check for new messages (default 5 sec.) 
    $refresh_messages = 1000 * 5;
    //How many lines to store in text file
    $maxlines = 25;
    //Max. nick length
    $nick_length = 20;
    $pageGen = '1'; //Enable/disable info about page generation and total queries on every page
    $_debug = '0'; //Enable error reportings
    в боте стоит дефолтная формула,
    но проблема , в том что очки всегда дает +15 и -15
    если смотреть историю тгр то там у и победителей +6.3 +8.2 , короче по разному а в топе по 15 очков
    короче если все сложить оки разные ,
    пишешь !sd там очки такие же как и в топе ДОСа

    откуда он берет это 15, как исправить и сделать одинаковое кол-во очков? :spy:
  2. SinTeZzz Ньюфаг

  3. Discover Ньюфаг

    ты конфиг видел? мне надо чтобы с бд брались очки