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Конфиг карт! --> Делаю конфиг на любую мапу!

Тема в разделе 'Карты', создана пользователем VladGod2, 3 фев 2011.

  1. regg Ньюфаг

    нужен конфиг на карту Island Troll Tribes

    Проблема в том, что кфг то я могу сделать, но проблема с фиксациями фракций и игроков. во 1ых все заходящие кидаются сначало по 1 в каждую фракцию доступную, начиная с 4 игрока создается фракция клан 4 итп.

    И в итоге получается так, люди ручками идут за фракцию допустим 1ую, ставят клан 1 (по идее все из 1ой фракции из клана 1) но раскидывает после старта всех оч странно... первые 4 зашедших оказываются на спавне первой фракции, вторые 4 на спавне 2ой фаркции итп, т.е. получается враги друг другу появляются в 1 месте.
  2. Zhen Ньюфаг

    У меня что то не получается сделать фиксацию кланов.( то есть чтоб можно было самому выбрать рассу)
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 64 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 64 100
    Подскажите плз, что не так
  3. freemka Ньюфаг

    у кого есть конфиг на доту 71б ру с судьями?
  4. fake Старожила

    Дата начала использования бота:
    на 71б ру есть, допиши
    map_observers = 4 
  5. freemka Ньюфаг

    если заходит больше 10 человек выкидывает всех
    # map file for DotA v6.71b.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\DotA v6.71b.w3x
    map_size = 244 19 119 0
    map_info = 243 138 162 180
    map_crc = 97 211 201 154
    map_sha1 = 150 110 14 26 164 106 45 67 57 21 254 28 194 245 99 190 130 251 184 181
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 3
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 118 0
    map_height = 120 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 12
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 1 100
    map_slot11 = 0 255 0 0 12 12 96 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 0 0 12 12 96 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = dota
    map_matchmakingcategory = dota_elo
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = DotA v6.71b.w3x
  6. Synth (LM) Пантограф!

    Сборка бота GHost:
    My own version of GhostOne
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
    map_numplayers = 10
    map_observers = 4
  7. Apx Ньюфаг

    Если до сих пор не дошло, то они хотят сказать, что при максимальном кол-ве слотов, а это 12, не может быть 10 игроков + 4 зрителя.
  8. freemka Ньюфаг

    всеровно выкидует! может слоты неправльно прописал?
  9. fake Старожила

    Дата начала использования бота:
    почитай описание етого параметра

    я ж те сказал возьми обычный конфиг и допиши, не ясно чтоле??

    map_slot11 = 0 255 0 0 12 12 96 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 0 0 12 12 96 1 100
  10. freemka Ньюфаг

    спс работает ))
  11. EvgenyIp Ньюфаг

    1. Земли бога 40.8 С НЕЗАФИСКИРОВАННЫМИ(чтобы можно было выбрать расу и цвет) слотами сам пробывал не получилось. Если хостить без бота норм. Конфиг на GhostOne 1.7.266
    2. http://mapmaker-shop.net.ru/_ld/2/204_Z ... _v40.8.rar
    ;D ;D
  12. Frostmourne Ньюфаг

  13. denischegaev Парнишка с небывалым умом

    Сборка бота GHost:
    # map file for ShadowrazeWars2.2.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\ShadowrazeWars2.2.w3x
    map_size = 71 159 5 0
    map_info = 214 113 87 16
    map_crc = 157 230 14 15
    map_sha1 = 246 248 195 70 190 95 242 113 128 241 202 83 150 176 137 229 167 253 165 167
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 43 0
    map_height = 36 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 12
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 1 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 1 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 1 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 1 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 6 1 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 1 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 1 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 1 1 100
    map_slot11 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 1 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 1 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = 
    map_matchmakingcategory = 
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = ShadowrazeWars2.2.w3x
    http://narod.ru/disk/8461432001/Impossible Siege v0.55.w3x.html
    # map file for Impossible Siege v0.55.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\Impossible Siege v0.55.w3x
    map_size = 185 70 77 0
    map_info = 218 42 194 30
    map_crc = 6 38 186 93
    map_sha1 = 186 246 226 34 96 143 110 24 235 150 70 250 16 210 136 169 17 104 5 130
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 84 0
    map_height = 146 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 9
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 2 1 0 6 4 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 2 1 1 7 8 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 2 1 1 8 4 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = 
    map_matchmakingcategory = 
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = Impossible Siege v0.55.w3x
  14. denischegaev Парнишка с небывалым умом

    Сборка бота GHost:
    # map file for DotA_v6.71b_6v6.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\DotA_v6.71b_6v6.w3x
    map_size = 184 133 119 0
    map_info = 108 184 215 26
    map_crc = 0 227 23 215
    map_sha1 = 232 101 87 55 50 204 210 100 39 225 17 122 245 134 196 143 242 102 231 158
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 118 0
    map_height = 120 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 12
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 6 8 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 1 100
    map_slot11 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = 
    map_matchmakingcategory = 
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = DotA_v6.71b_6v6.w3x
  15. denischegaev Парнишка с небывалым умом

    Сборка бота GHost:
    # map file for Petri_Balans_5.20g.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\Petri_Balans_5.20g.w3x
    map_size = 187 122 25 0
    map_info = 239 145 63 171
    map_crc = 178 148 44 82
    map_sha1 = 132 137 87 211 255 199 40 113 45 208 246 122 28 166 106 85 66 84 81 218
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 158 0
    map_height = 157 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 12
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 1 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 1 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 1 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 1 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 0 6 1 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 0 7 1 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 0 8 1 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 0 9 1 1 100
    map_slot11 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 1 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 1 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = 
    map_matchmakingcategory = 
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = Petri_Balans_5.20g.w3x
  16. Frostmourne Ньюфаг

    о_О так быстро!Спасибо!
  17. denischegaev Парнишка с небывалым умом

    Сборка бота GHost:
    http://narod.ru/disk/8461340001/Troll And Elves VN V2.4 (Fix).w3x.html
    # map file for Troll And Elves VN V2.4 (Fix).w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\Troll And Elves VN V2.4 (Fix).w3x
    map_size = 237 44 30 0
    map_info = 214 22 159 121
    map_crc = 62 172 21 103
    map_sha1 = 102 67 25 7 97 254 136 247 150 35 17 100 77 175 166 35 13 165 88 41
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 244 0
    map_height = 244 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 12
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 0 6 4 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 0 7 4 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 0 8 4 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 0 9 4 1 100
    map_slot11 = 0 255 0 0 0 10 4 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 2 1 1 11 2 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = 
    map_matchmakingcategory = 
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = Troll And Elves VN V2.4 (Fix).w3x
  18. denischegaev Парнишка с небывалым умом

    Сборка бота GHost:
    тебе просто фортануло )
  19. rost Гуру

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
    Плз объясните крану наф конфы нужны???
    Не ну я понимаю зачем, но зачем на эти карты???
    Ладно дота, там стата и т.д. и т.п.
    А тут?)))))) сор за нубство)) только в доту лабаю) :metal:
  20. ReaRos Ньюфаг

    Сделай конфиг для этой мапы: http://files.mail.ru/ME3J7G
    Полное название мапы: Life_v2.5b.w3x