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Не могу подключиться к рубаттлу

Тема в разделе 'Запуск и Поддержка', создана пользователем TeaMoor, 3 апр 2011.

  1. TeaMoor Ньюфаг

    Здравствуйте. Был админом на одном из ботов Ghost One. Теперь решил сам поставить себе бота - GHost++.
    Вроде все настройки понятны, сделал себе все как надо, но не могу подключиться к рубаттлу.

    [CONFIG] loading file [default.cfg]
    [CONFIG] loading file [ghost.cfg]
    [GHOST] starting up
    [GHOST] using log method 1, logging is enabled and [ghost.log] will not be locke
    [GHOST] using Windows timer with resolution 1 milliseconds
    [GHOST] starting winsock
    [GHOST] setting process priority to "above normal"
    [UDPSOCKET] using default broadcast target
    [GHOST] opening primary database
    [SQLITE3] version 3.6.16
    [SQLITE3] opening database [ghost.dbs]
    [SQLITE3] found schema number [8]
    [GHOST] opening secondary (local) database
    [SQLITE3] version 3.6.16
    [SQLITE3] opening database [ghost.dbs]
    [SQLITE3] found schema number [8]
    [GHOST] attempting to find local IP addresses
    [GHOST] local IP address #1 is []
    [GHOST] local IP address #2 is []
    [GHOST] acting as Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
    [CONFIG] loading file [language_russian.cfg]
    [GHOST] found battle.net connection #1 for server [rubattle.net]
    [GHOST] using system locale of 1049
    [GHOST] loading MPQ file [D:\Games\Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne\War3Patch.mpq]
    [GHOST] extracting Scripts\common.j from MPQ file to [D:\Games\ghost\mapcfgs\com
    [GHOST] extracting Scripts\blizzard.j from MPQ file to [D:\Games\ghost\mapcfgs\b
    [GHOST] adding ".cfg" to default map -> new default is [dota.cfg]
    [CONFIG] loading file [D:\Games\ghost\mapcfgs\dota.cfg]
    [MAP] loading MPQ file [D:\Games\ghost\maps\DotA v6.71b.w3x]
    [MAP] calculated map_size = 244 19 119 0
    [MAP] calculated map_info = 243 138 162 180
    [MAP] calculated map_crc = 97 211 201 154
    [MAP] calculated map_sha1 = 150 110 14 26 164 106 45 67 57 21 254 28 194 245 99
    190 130 251 184 181
    [MAP] calculated map_options = 96
    [MAP] calculated map_width = 118 0
    [MAP] calculated map_height = 120 0
    [MAP] calculated map_numplayers = 10
    [MAP] calculated map_numteams = 2
    [MAP] calculated map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 1 100
    [MAP] calculated map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 1 100
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_size with config value map_size = 201 213 5 0
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_info with config value map_info = 206 105 219 80
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_crc with config value map_crc = 15 15 71 22
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_sha1 with config value map_sha1 = 91 92 122 144
    89 127 250 70 133 235 247 76 193 31 109 105 36 250 36 16
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_options with config value map_options = 0
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_width with config value map_width = 84 0
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_height with config value map_height = 84 0
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_numplayers with config value map_numplayers = 10
    [MAP] overriding calculated map_numteams with config value map_numteams = 1
    [MAP] overriding slots
    [MAP] invalid map_size detected - size mismatch with actual map data
    [GHOST] using hardcoded admin game map
    [MAP] using hardcoded Emerald Gardens map data for Warcraft 3 version 1.24 & 1.2
    [GHOST] started loading [ip-to-country.csv]
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 10% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 20% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 30% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 40% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 50% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 60% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 70% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 80% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 90% loaded
    [GHOST] iptocountry data: 100% loaded
    [GHOST] finished loading [ip-to-country.csv]
    [GHOST] GHost++ Version 17.1 (with MySQL support)
    [BNET: rubattle] connecting to server [rubattle.net] on port 6112
    [BNET: rubattle] resolved and cached server IP address
    [BNET: rubattle] connected
    [TCPSOCKET] closed by remote host
    [BNET: rubattle] disconnected from battle.net
    [BNET: rubattle] waiting 90 seconds to reconnect
    Меня смущают две строки из этого лога:
    [BNET: rubattle] connecting to server [rubattle.net] on port 6112 - в конфигах я прописал порт 6113.
    [BNET: rubattle] disconnected from battle.net - почему дисконнект от батллнета? а не от рубаттла?

    В общем надеюсь на вашу помощь. :prayy:
    Так же прилагаю ghost.cfg (естественно пароль удалил) (хотел добавить во вложения, но система сообщает что "Достигнут максимальный общий размер ваших вложений.")
    ### the log file
    bot_log = ghost.log
    ### the language file
    bot_language = language_russian.cfg
    ### the path to your local Warcraft III directory
    ###  this path must contain war3.exe, storm.dll, and game.dll
    ###  this path must end in your system's path seperator (i.e. "\" on Windows or "/" on Linux)
    ###  if this path contains War3Patch.mpq the bot will attempt to extract "Scripts\common.j" and "Scripts\blizzard.j" on startup and write them to bot_mapcfgpath (which is defined later in this file)
    ###  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc
    bot_war3path = D:\Games\Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne
    ### the address GHost++ will bind to when hosting games (leave it blank to bind to all available addresses)
    ###  if you don't know what this is just leave it blank
    bot_bindaddress = 
    ### the port GHost++ will host battle.net games on (this must be different from your admingame_port)
    bot_hostport = 6113
    ### maximum number of games to host at once
    bot_maxgames = 2
    ### command trigger for ingame only (battle.net command triggers are defined later)
    bot_commandtrigger = !
    ### the path to the directory where you keep your map config files (must end in your system's path seperator)
    ###  this directory can also contain common.j and blizzard.j (extracted from War3Patch.mpq)
    ###  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc
    bot_mapcfgpath = D:\Games\ghost\mapcfgs
    ### the path to the directory where you keep your savegame files (must end in your system's path seperator)
    bot_savegamepath = D:\Games\ghost\savegames
    ### the path to the directory where you keep your map files (must end in your system's path seperator)
    ###  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players and automatically calculate most map config values
    ###  GHost++ will search [bot_mappath + map_localpath] for the map file (map_localpath is set in each map's config file)
    bot_mappath = D:\Games\ghost\maps
    ### whether to save replays or not
    bot_savereplays = 0
    ### the path to the directory where you want GHost++ to save replays (must end in your system's path seperator)
    bot_replaypath = D:\Games\ghost\replays
    ### the Warcraft 3 version to save replays as
    replay_war3version = 24
    ### the Warcraft 3 build number to save replays as (this is specific to each Warcraft 3 version)
    ###  patch 1.23: war3version 23, buildnumber 6058
    ###  patch 1.24: war3version 24, buildnumber 6059
    replay_buildnumber = 6059
    ### the bot's virtual host name as it appears in the game lobby
    ###  colour codes are defined by the sequence "|cFF" followed by a six character hexadecimal colour in RRGGBB format (e.g. 0000FF for pure blue)
    ###  the virtual host name cannot be longer than 15 characters including the colour code, if you try to go over this limit GHost++ will use the default virtual host name
    bot_virtualhostname = |cFF34FF00Botik
    ### whether to hide each player's IP address from other players or not
    bot_hideipaddresses = 0
    ### whether to check for multiple IP address usage or not
    bot_checkmultipleipusage = 1
    ### whether to require spoof checks or not
    ###  disabling spoof checks just turns off automatic spoof checks and requiring players to be spoof checked before starting the game
    ###  spoof checks need to be enabled if you want GHost++ to detect which realm each player came from (use the !check command to see the realm)
    ###  you can always manually spoof check by whispering the bot (and in fact is required before running admin commands)
    bot_spoofchecks = 1
    ### whether to display game refresh messages by default
    ###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !refresh command
    bot_refreshmessages = 1
    ### whether to automatically lock games when the owner joins
    bot_autolock = 0
    ### whether to automatically save games when a player disconnects
    ###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !autosave command
    bot_autosave = 0
    ### whether to allow map downloads or not
    ###  set to 0 to disable map downloads
    ###  set to 1 to enable map downloads
    ###  set to 2 to enable conditional map downloads (an admin must start each map download with the !download or !dl command)
    bot_allowdownloads = 1
    ### whether to ping players during map downloads or not
    ###  GHost++ will always stop pinging any players who are downloading the map
    ###  this config value determines whether GHost++ should stop pinging *all* players when at least one player is downloading the map
    bot_pingduringdownloads = 0
    ### the maximum number of players allowed to download the map at the same time
    bot_maxdownloaders = 3
    ### the maximum combined download speed of all players downloading the map (in KB/sec)
    bot_maxdownloadspeed = 1000
    ### use LC style pings (divide actual pings by two)
    bot_lcpings = 1
    ### auto kick players with ping higher than this
    bot_autokickping = 300
    ### the ban method
    ###  if bot_banmethod = 1, GHost++ will automatically reject players using a banned name
    ###  if bot_banmethod = 2, GHost++ will automatically reject players using a banned IP address
    ###  if bot_banmethod = 3, GHost++ will automatically reject players using a banned name or IP address
    ###  if bot_banmethod is anything else GHost++ will print a message when a banned player joins but will not automatically reject them
    bot_banmethod = 1
    ### the IP blacklist file
    bot_ipblacklistfile = ipblacklist.txt
    ### automatically close the game lobby if a reserved player (or admin) doesn't join it for this many minutes
    ###  games which are set to automatically start when enough players join are exempt from this limit (e.g. autohosted games)
    bot_lobbytimelimit = 10
    ### the game latency
    ###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !latency command (which enforces a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 500)
    bot_latency = 100
    ### the maximum number of packets a player is allowed to get out of sync by before starting the lag screen
    ###  before version 8.0 GHost++ did not have a lag screen which is the same as setting this to a very high number
    ###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !synclimit command (which enforces a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10000)
    bot_synclimit = 50
    ### whether votekicks are allowed or not
    bot_votekickallowed = 1
    ### the percentage of players required to vote yes for a votekick to pass
    ###  the player starting the votekick is assumed to have voted yes and the player the votekick is started against is assumed to have voted no
    ###  the formula for calculating the number of votes needed is votes_needed = ceil( ( num_players - 1 ) * bot_votekickpercentage / 100 )
    ###  this means it will round UP the number of votes required
    ###  if you set it to 100 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 10/11, and 11/12 votes to pass
    ###  if you set it to 90 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, 9/10, 9/11, and 10/12 votes to pass
    ###  if you set it to 80 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 4/6, 5/7, 6/8, 7/9, 8/10, 8/11, and 9/12 votes to pass
    ###  if you set it to 70 it will require 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/6, 5/7, 5/8, 6/9, 7/10, 7/11, and 8/12 votes to pass
    ###  if you set it to 60 it will require 2/3, 2/4, 3/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 5/9, 6/10, 6/11, and 7/12 votes to pass
    bot_votekickpercentage = 70
    ### the default map config (the ".cfg" will be added automatically if you leave it out)
    bot_defaultmap = dota
    ### the MOTD file
    ###  the first 8 lines of this file will be displayed when a player joins the game
    ###  if this file doesn't exist a default MOTD will be used
    bot_motdfile = motd.txt
    ### the gameloaded file
    ###  the first 8 lines of this file will be displayed when the game finished loading (after the player loading times are displayed)
    bot_gameloadedfile = gameloaded.txt
    ### the gameover file
    ###  the first 8 lines of this file will be displayed when the game is over
    ###  this only works when using a stats class - note: at the time of this writing the only stats class is for DotA maps
    bot_gameoverfile = gameover.txt
    ### whether to use regular expressions when loading map configs and maps or not
    bot_useregexes = 0
    ### the "TCP no delay" flag
    ###  this controls whether or not your operating system should use the "no delay" algorithm on game sockets
    ###  the algorithm is designed to reduce latency by sending data in small packets as soon as possible rather than waiting to send a single larger packet
    ###  enabling this algorithm requires additional bandwidth because it is a less efficient way of sending data
    ###  however, it may reduce game latencies in some cases
    tcp_nodelay = 1
    ### whether to create the admin game or not (see readme.txt for more information)
    admingame_create = 0
    ### the port GHost++ will host the admin game on (this must be different from your bot_hostport)
    admingame_port = 6117
    ### the admin game password
    admingame_password = blub
    ### the default map config to use in the admin game
    ###  if this value is blank the bot will use a hardcoded map instead
    ###  it's recommended that you use the hardcoded map instead of specifying a different one
    ###  this value exists because the hardcoded map is specific to Warcraft 3 versions and you may wish to use a previous or newer version
    ###  the ".cfg" will be added automatically if you leave it out
    admingame_map = 
    ### the Warcraft 3 version to use when broadcasting LAN games
    lan_war3version = 24
    ### the UDP broadcast target
    ###  if this value is blank the bot will try to broadcast LAN games on the default interface which is chosen by your operating system
    ###  sometimes your operating system will choose the wrong interface when more than one exists
    ###  therefore you can use this value to force the bot to use a specific interface
    ###  for example you may set it to "" to broadcast LAN games to the 192.168.1.x subnet
    udp_broadcasttarget = 
    ### the UDP "don't route" flag
    udp_dontroute = 0
    ### this section of the config file is for enabling autohost when the bot starts up without having to issue a command
    ### you can activate the autohost feature without changing anything here by using the !autohost command
    autohost_maxgames = 0
    autohost_startplayers = 0
    autohost_gamename = 
    autohost_owner = 
    ### database type
    ###  use "sqlite3" for a local SQLite database
    ###  use "mysql" for any MySQL database
    db_type = sqlite3
    ### sqlite3 database configuration
    ###  this is only used if your database type is SQLite
    db_sqlite3_file = ghost.dbs
    ### mysql database configuration
    ###  this is only used if your database type is MySQL
    db_mysql_server = localhost
    db_mysql_database = ghost
    db_mysql_user = YOUR_USERNAME
    db_mysql_password = YOUR_PASSWORD
    db_mysql_port = 0
    ### which battle.net server to connect to
    ###  1.) useast.battle.net
    ###  2.) uswest.battle.net
    ###  3.) asia.battle.net
    ###  4.) europe.battle.net
    ### note that each banned player is tied to the realm it was created on and the realm is case sensitive
    ### so if you change your realm from useast.battle.net to USEAST.BATTLE.NET it'll still connect but anyone previously banned will not be counted as banned until you change it back
    bnet_server = rubattle.net
    ### the server alias
    ### this name will be used to identify the battle.net server in the GHost++ console
    ### if you leave it blank it will use a short name such as "USEast" for official battle.net servers or it will use the actual server address
    bnet_serveralias = rubattle
    ### your Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD key
    ### you cannot use the same CD key here that you yourself use to login to battle.net if you plan to login at the same time as your bot
    ### your Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne CD key
    ### you cannot use the same CD key here that you yourself use to login to battle.net if you plan to login at the same time as your bot
    ### your battle.net username
    ### you cannot use the same username here that you yourself use to login to battle.net if you plan to login at the same time as your bot
    bnet_username = Tea_MoorBOT
    ### your battle.net password
    bnet_password = ххххххххх
    ### the first channel to join upon entering battle.net
    bnet_firstchannel = okok
    ### the root admin on this battle.net server only
    bnet_rootadmin = Tea_Moor
    ### command trigger for this battle.net server only
    bnet_commandtrigger = !
    ### whether to automatically add your friends list to each game's reserved list
    bnet_holdfriends = 1
    ### whether to automatically add your clan members list to each game's reserved list
    bnet_holdclan = 1
    ### whether to allow anonymous users (non admins) to use public commands such as !stats and !statsdota on this battle.net connection
    ### if you are having trouble with spammers causing your bot to flood the server you should disable this
    bnet_publiccommands = 1
    ### BNLS server information for Warden handling (see readme.txt for more information)
    ###  you will need to use a valid BNLS server here if you are connecting to an official battle.net realm or you will be disconnected every two minutes
    bnet_bnlsserver = localhost
    bnet_bnlsport = 9367
    bnet_bnlswardencookie = 1
    ### you will need to edit this section of the config file if you're connecting to a PVPGN server
    ###  your PVPGN server operator will tell you what to put here
    bnet_custom_war3version = 26
    bnet_custom_exeversion = 
    bnet_custom_exeversionhash = 
    bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = 
    ### example configuration for connecting to a second official battle.net server
    # bnet2_server = uswest.battle.net
    # bnet2_serveralias = USWest
    # bnet2_username =
    # bnet2_password =
    # bnet2_firstchannel = The Void
    # bnet2_rootadmin =
    # bnet2_commandtrigger = !
    # bnet2_holdfriends = 1
    # bnet2_holdclan = 1
    # bnet2_publiccommands = 1
    # bnet2_bnlsserver = localhost
    # bnet2_bnlsport = 9367
    # bnet2_bnlswardencookie = 2
    ### example configuration for connecting to a third PVPGN battle.net server
    # bnet3_server = server.eurobattle.net
    # bnet3_serveralias = EuroBattle
    # bnet3_username =
    # bnet3_password =
    # bnet3_firstchannel = The Void
    # bnet3_rootadmin =
    # bnet3_commandtrigger = !
    # bnet3_holdfriends = 1
    # bnet3_holdclan = 1
    # bnet3_publiccommands = 1
    # bnet3_custom_war3version = 24
    # bnet3_custom_exeversion = 184 0 22 1
    # bnet3_custom_exeversionhash = 219 152 153 144
    # bnet3_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn
  2. rssrcnn Парнишка с небывалым умом

    Может быть проблема в версиях вара?
    Версия для сервера 1.26, а версия игры 1.24
  3. MuP .

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost++ rev 579
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Бот коннектиться к ПГ на 6112 порт(всегда), но когда будешь создавать игру, к тебе будут коннектиться на 6113 порт(его можно менять). Тут все нормально.
    Из конфига не понравилась 1 строка, должна выглядеть так:
    bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn
    В третьих
    [TCPSOCKET] closed by remote host
    значит, что твоего косяка здесь нету, соединение закрыто было со стороны ПГ. Попробуй сменить айпишник или подожди часок, и попробуй заново.
    P.S. Поставь
    lan_war3version = 26
    чтобы игра отображалась в локальной сети
  4. TeaMoor Ньюфаг

    rssrcnn, не знаю как на сервере, но у меня стоит 26 версия. И в конфиге я пробовал и 24 и 26 версию, и даже 25. Разница только в том, что, когда прописана 24 версия, конец лога немного изменяется:
    [GHOST] GHost++ Version 17.1 (with MySQL support)
    [BNET: rubattle] connecting to server [rubattle.net] on port 6112
    [BNET: rubattle] resolved and cached server IP address
    [BNET: rubattle] connected
    [BNET: rubattle] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
    [BNET: rubattle] creating BNLS client
    [BNLSC: localhost:9367:C1] connecting to server [localhost] on port 9367
    [BNET: rubattle] cd keys accepted
    [BNET: rubattle] username [Tea_MoorBOT] accepted
    [BNET: rubattle] using battle.net logon type (for official battle.net servers on
    [TCPSOCKET] closed by remote host
    [BNET: rubattle] disconnected from battle.net
    [BNET: rubattle] waiting 90 seconds to reconnect
    MuP, pvpgn добавил, разницы в логах нету. Пробовал и комп перезагружать и IP менять - все равно не помогает.

    Еще хотел бы уточнить, нужно ли было изменять default.cfg? А то я там все изменил соотвественно значениям в ghost.cfg. И еще, где должен находиться ghost.cfg? В корневой папке Ghost? Просто он сначала был в D:\Games\ghost\ghost configurator\ghost configurator\bin\Debug, но я скопировал его в D:\Games\ghost\. Хоть и в той и в этой паке одинаковые конфиги... но я просто уточняю.
  5. MuP .

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost++ rev 579
    Дата начала использования бота:
    [BNET: rubattle] using battle.net logon type (for official battle.net servers only)
    [TCPSOCKET] closed by remote host
    Вот тут четко видно, что пвпгн не было прописано. Когда пропишешь увидешь в консоли
     using pvpgn logon type (for pvpgn servers only)
    Насчет конфигов, у гхост++ интересное хранение. Там можно выбрать в каком виде будут храниться конфиги.
    По дефолту конфиг читается из default.cfg, а потом дополняет/изменяет значениями взятыми из ghost.cfg.
    Выбор как будет храниться конфиг выбераешь в ghost dynamic configurator/
    Собственно, что касается подключения к ПГ, тут обязательно прописать:
    bnet_custom_war3version = 26
    bnet_custom_exeversion =
    bnet_custom_exeversionhash =
    bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn
    Вот эти значения можешь не указывать(у нас не официальный сервак), сделай их так:
    bnet_bnlsserver =
    bnet_bnlsport =
    bnet_bnlswardencookie = 1
    Внеси все изменения, проверь еще раз конфиги и подключайся. Если не получиться кидай сюда лог, глянем что еще у тебя может быть не так.
    P.s. попробуй бота под другим ником залогинить
  6. TeaMoor Ньюфаг

    Прописал pvpgn, 26 версию поставил, убрал значения с этих строк bnet_bnlsserver, bnet_bnlsport.
    Теперь пишет, что неверный пароль :dunno:
    [GHOST] GHost++ Version 17.1 (with MySQL support)
    [BNET: rubattle] connecting to server [rubattle.net] on port 6112
    [BNET: rubattle] resolved and cached server IP address
    [BNET: rubattle] connected
    [BNET: rubattle] attempting to auth as Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
    [BNET: rubattle] cd keys accepted
    [BNET: rubattle] username [Tea_MoorBOT] accepted
    [BNET: rubattle] using pvpgn logon type (for pvpgn servers only)
    [BNET: rubattle] logon failed - invalid password, disconnecting
    [BNET: rubattle] disconnected from battle.net
    [BNET: rubattle] waiting 90 seconds to reconnect
    Хотя пароль точно правильный - пробовал через сам варик зайти под этим логином, все нормально заходится.
    Пароль должен быть записан так? bnet_password = пароль
    Т.е. никакого пробела после пароля, между самим пробелом и знаком равно должен стоять один пробел?
    Думал проблема м.б. еще из-за кодировки, но сохраняю я ее в формате unicod UTF-8, как было написано гдето здесь на форуме. Может ли это происходить из-за того, что пароль написан кирилицей?

    И не может ли это быть из-за того что я в сам варик захожу через w3l.exe, а ghost через (наверно) WarcraftIII.exe?
  7. festival Старожила

    Кодировка. Если есть русские символы то кодировка должны быть UTF и без BOM. Если только английские символы без спецсимволов ®†Ћ•ђ то любая может быть.

    Бот екзешники вроде вообще не трогает, с проблемой екзешников не с тыкался.

    Попробуй пароль в конфиге писать только маленькими буквами. К примеру стоит у нас пароль LOL1234 в конфиге пишем lol1234
  8. TeaMoor Ньюфаг

    В общем решил проблему: создал нового бота с английским паролем. Сначала хотел сменить пароль старому боту, но не смог, ибо сервис смены пароля почемуто зависает. Подозреваю что там был длинный пароль - 8 букв, когда вводил старый пароль то он первые 7 букв печатал звездочками, а восьмой символ не пропечатывался. Так и не смог сменить пароль - создал нового бота.

    Всем спасибо за оказанную помощь! Тему можно закрывать.

    Возникли другие проблемы теперь:
    1) в ghost.exe отображаются крякозябры, то что в варке пишется русскими буквами
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╨║╤Г
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [ILDAR51] ╨▒╨╛╤В)
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╨░╨│╨░
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╤Й╨░ ╨┐╤А╨╛╨▓╨╡╤А╨▒ ╨╡╨│╨╛
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╨░ ╤В╨╛ ╨▓╨║╨╗╤О╤З╨╕╨╗ ╨╕ ╨╛╤В╨╛╤И╨╡╨╗
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [ILDAR51] ╤П ╨░╤Д╨║
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╤В╨░╨║ ╨╕ ╨╜╨╡ ╤Г╤Б╨┐╨╡╨╗ ╨▓ ╨╕╨│╤А╤Г ╨╖╨░╨╣╤В╨╕
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╨╛╨║
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [ILDAR51] )
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [ILDAR51] ╨╜╨░ ╤З╨░╤Б
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [ILDAR51] ╨┐╨╛╤В╨╛╨╝ ╨▓ 3 ╨│╨╛
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [ILDAR51] ╤П ╤В╤Л ╤В╨░╨│╨╕╤А
    [LOCAL: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] ╨╛╨║)_
    [WHISPER: rubattle] [Tea_Moor] !pub proverochka
    [BNET: rubattle] admin [Tea_Moor] sent command [!pub proverochka]
    [GHOST] creating game [proverochka]
    [GAME: proverochka] loading IP blacklist file [ipblacklist.txt]
    [GAME: proverochka] loaded 635 lines from IP blacklist file
    [GAME: proverochka] attempting to bind to all available addresses
    [GAME: proverochka] listening on port 6113
    [STATSDOTA] using dota stats
    [QUEUED: rubattle] /w Tea_Moor ╨б╨╛╨╖╨┤╨░╨╜╨╕╨╡ ╨┐╤Г╨▒╨╗╨╕╤З╨╜╨╛╨╣ ╨╕╨│╤А╤Л prov
    erochka. ╨Т╨╗╨░╨┤╨╡╨╗╨╡╤Ж - Tea_Moor
    Как это исправить?
    2) Не могу зайти в созданную игру.
    Мой порядок действий:
    Пишу боту в личку "!load dota" - загружаю конфиг доты
    "!pub proverka" - создаю игру с названием проверка
    Захожу в эту созданную игру, но мне пишут что "игра к которой вы хотите присоедениться не найдена".
    Из-за чего это может быть?
    Подозреваю что из-за неправильного конфига карты, но вроде бы там нигде ошибок нету...
    # map file for DotA v6.71b.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = D:\Games\ghost\maps\DotA v6.71b.w3x 
    map_size = 244 19 119 0
    map_info = 243 138 162 180
    map_crc = 97 211 201 154
    map_sha1 = 150 110 14 26 164 106 45 67 57 21 254 28 194 245 99 190 130 251 184 181
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 118 0
    map_height = 120 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 10
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = dota
    map_matchmakingcategory = dota_elo
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = DotA v6.71b.w3x
  9. festival Старожила

    1. У меня вообще даже крякозябр нету. В логе интерфейса (ghost one) просто нету русского текста, пробелы. Как в госте не знаю.
    2. Ты через лист находишь и заходишь или прописываешь?
    Обычно это из-за отсутствия персонального внешнего айпи или при закрытом порте.
  10. TeaMoor Ньюфаг

    2) И так нахожу, и в ручную пишу название игры. В любом случае результат один.
    Что я заметил, то это когда в листе игр находишь свою, нажимаешь один раз на неё, справа должно появиться название карты, кол-во игроков, режим карты(разведан, скрыт) ну и сам рисунок карты - всего этого нету!
  11. MuP .

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost++ rev 579
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Кракозяблы - это русские буквы так отображаются в винде у бота. Если бота запустить под убунтой, то там все отображается как надо. Сие надо принять как факт.
    Проверь параметр map_localpath, вдруг бот карту не находит. В этом случае ситуация будет похожа на твою, все у кого есть карта зайдут, остальные вылетать будут.