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Настройка gcb

Тема в разделе 'Garena Client Broadcast', создана пользователем MuP, 2 июн 2013.

  1. Zloy_xex Наш человек

    Дата начала использования бота:
    У меня при запуске гсб, не заходит в локальную сеть варика. Что делать?
  2. ELITE Гуру

    Дата начала использования бота:
    ничего - варкрафт требует для игры по локальной сети порт 6112
    бот для создания игры работает с библиотеками варика и также использует порт 6112
    Этот порт НЕЛЬЗЯ изменить НИКАК
    поэтому или бот или самому играть!
    но если у вас современный комп с нормальным сетевым адаптером и системой не ниже вин7проф то есть шанс , что вы сможете играть, это зависит, может ли сетевой адаптер совместно с ОС маркировать сетевые пакеты и определять принадлежность пакетов тому или иному приложению - ТОЛЬКО тогда вы одновременно сможете играть и хостит ботом!!!!!!!!
  3. Zloy_xex Наш человек

    Дата начала использования бота:
    Как это устроить?)
  4. ELITE Гуру

    Дата начала использования бота:
    заменить комп на новый, если не пойдет - опять заменить, пока не заработает....
    ну или отдельно для бота комп поставить
  5. Zloy_xex Наш человек

    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мне сказали еще: сделать замыкание на себя,и тогда смогу зайти к себе..
    Но не очень понял, как это сделать
  6. Unnikum Ньюфаг

    Дата начала использования бота:
    добрый вечер,может кто нибудь дать новый список rooms.txt. А то в гарене постоянно сервера(roomhost) обновляется. Зараниее спасибо)
  7. ELITE Гуру

    Дата начала использования бота:
    Unnikum нравится это.
  8. silenser Давний приятель

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one be sisiee
    Дата начала использования бота:
    BOT DATABASE SETTING люди добрыыеее вот эти данные ваще где брать и ещё gcb_tcp_host = localhost:6112 оставить локалхост или заменить его своим ip?
  9. Guard Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost++ RAKAL Edition
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
    место локалхост напиши yandex.ru
  10. Doterok Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost ++ 17.2
    Дата начала использования бота:

    Зачем ты людей вводишь в заблуждение? Если там должно быть google.ru
    яндекс больше не поддерживает гцб
    Guard нравится это.
  11. silenser Давний приятель

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one be sisiee
    Дата начала использования бота:
    я написал у меня бот сломался что делать
  12. silenser Давний приятель

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one be sisiee
    Дата начала использования бота:
    нет а правдо где брать пароли от майсолянок каихт
  13. Sparko_Dima Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost Sparko
    Дата начала использования бота:
    азххахахахахахаахахахаххаахах майсолянок кахт **** лол блять хуже этого поста не видил на форуме
  14. silenser Давний приятель

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one be sisiee
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Ты хотел написать умнее майсолянки где брать-то?
  15. silenser Давний приятель

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one be sisiee
    Дата начала использования бота:
    а где брать данные MySQL
  16. Guard Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost++ RAKAL Edition
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
    www.mysql.com . не Реклама.
    Budrin и silenser нравится это.
  17. silenser Давний приятель

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one be sisiee
    Дата начала использования бота:
    капец ты рекламщик спасибку заработал блеать)
    P.S.Даже не думал о сайтах^
  18. The_ShadowX Наш человек

    Дата начала использования бота:
    У меня что-то не получается... вроде-бы и при установке, и при настройке, запуске - строго придерживался инструкции, а не получается что-то... вот лог файл


    • gcb.txt
      Размер файла:
      11,7 КБ
  19. hakersoft Гуру

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost++ own edition
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Пациент - Ghost One 1.7.266.
    В комнату заходит, другим пишет в чате румы - что бот создал игру.
    Игру никому не видно, тестировал у друга по удалёнке - и так, и сяк- ничего.
    Пинг у друга на бота есть, но если протуннелить - сообщение о туннеле не напишет.
    Порты на роутере само-собой все необходимые, и не очень - открыты.IP-Static.
    Лог GCB
    [20.01.2014 0:24:15] [GInterface 1] Initializing...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:15] [GEncrypt] Initializing AES Keys...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:16] [GEncrypt] Initializing RSA Keys...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:16] [GEncrypt] Reading private key in PEM format...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:16] [GInterface 1] Connecting to
    [20.01.2014 0:24:16] [GInterface 1] Using local port: 49768
    [20.01.2014 0:24:16] [GInterface 1] Initializing peer socket...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GSP session init...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:17] [GInterface 1] Reading GSP session init reply...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:17] [GInterface 1] GSP session init reply received!
    [20.01.2014 0:24:17] [GInterface 1] Sending GSP session hello...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:17] [GInterface 1] Reading GSP session hello reply...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:17] [GInterface 1] GSP session hello reply received!
    [20.01.2014 0:24:17] [GInterface 1] Sending GSP session login...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GEncrypt] Internal IP address determined at
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Reading GSP session login reply...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Successfully logged in!
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Server says your ID is: 105605721
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Server says your username is: hakers_bot
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Server says your country is: UA
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Server says your experience is: 2
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Server says your email address is:
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [Main] Waiting for lookup response on connection 1...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] PeerLoop: set address to and port to 5005
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [Main] Received lookup response!
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Connecting to room...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Conducting hostname lookup...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] Connecting to
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] GSPLoop: received 16 bytes of encrypted data
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] GSPLoop: unknown type received: -7
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] GSPLoop: received 16 bytes of encrypted data
    [20.01.2014 0:24:18] [GInterface 1] GSPLoop: unknown type received: 92
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [GInterface 1] Using local port: 49769
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP me join...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [GEncrypt] Internal IP address determined at
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [GInterface 1] deflated myinfo block from 92 bytes to 56 bytes
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [PluginManager] Searching through 1 files for plugins...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [PluginManager] 0 plugins found!
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [PluginManager] Loading 1 plugins...
    [20.01.2014 0:24:19] [GInterface 1] There are 31 members in this room
    [20.01.2014 0:24:20] [GInterface 1] Server says:

    ? Ю尨겿 䱳/롭ᬻ ҍ`Garena
    Ê﮲᫲㞭 http://vk.com/garena
    YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/GarenaCIS (reports roomid=196818)
    [20.01.2014 0:24:29] [WC3Interface] Detected new game with name ▒ test34; generated entry key: 1360773419 (original: 67305985)
    [20.01.2014 0:24:40] [GInterface 1] GCRPLoop: unknown type received: 42; size is: 166
    [20.01.2014 0:24:54] [GInterface 1] GCRPLoop: unknown type received: 42; size is: 166
    [20.01.2014 0:25:00] [GInterface 1] Nibi_ZB with ID 136312955 has started playing
    [20.01.2014 0:25:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:26:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:27:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:27:17] [WC3Interface] Detected new game with name ↨ test545; generated entry key: -15558526 (original: 67305985)
    [20.01.2014 0:27:17] [WC3Interface] Removed old game with name: ▒ test34
    [20.01.2014 0:28:11] [GInterface 1] Nibi_ZB with ID 136312955 has stopped playing
    [20.01.2014 0:28:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:28:37] [GInterface 1] GCRPLoop: unknown type received: 42; size is: 166
    [20.01.2014 0:28:43] [GInterface 1] New member joined: WhaitBlood (RU) with id 53872817
    [20.01.2014 0:28:45] [GInterface 1] WhaitBlood with ID 53872817 has started playing
    [20.01.2014 0:29:01] [GInterface 1] WhaitBlood with ID 53872817 has stopped playing
    [20.01.2014 0:29:09] [GInterface 1] WhaitBlood with ID 53872817 has left the room
    [20.01.2014 0:29:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:29:49] [WC3Interface] Detected new game with name ○ bloodway; generated entry key: -783411379 (original: 67305985)
    [20.01.2014 0:29:49] [WC3Interface] Removed old game with name: ↨ test545
    [20.01.2014 0:30:14] [WC3Interface] Detected new game with name nibizb; generated entry key: 375540489 (original: 67305985)
    [20.01.2014 0:30:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:30:18] [GInterface 1] GCRPLoop: unknown type received: 42; size is: 172
    [20.01.2014 0:30:27] [GInterface 1] Nibi_ZB with ID 136312955 has started playing
    [20.01.2014 0:30:39] [WC3Interface] Removed old game with name: ○ bloodway
    [20.01.2014 0:31:04] [WC3Interface] Detected new game with name nibiii; generated entry key: 1895719503 (original: 67305985)
    [20.01.2014 0:31:16] [GInterface 1] Sending GCRP START...
    [20.01.2014 0:31:19] [GInterface 1] Nibi_ZB with ID 136312955 has stopped playing
    [20.01.2014 0:31:34] [WC3Interface] Removed old game with name: nibizb

    Конфиг GCB
    # whether to keep a log
    gcb_log = true

    # whether to keep a seperate log of commands used
    gcb_log_commands = true

    # interval between creating a new log file; in milliseconds (prevents gcb.log from getting too large)
    # set to 0 to disable
    # don't set to over 2147483647
    gcb_log_new_file = 86400000

    # whether or not to output debug information
    gcb_debug = false

    # path to plugins
    gcb_plugin_path = plugins/

    # the current Garena version
    gcb_version = 0x0000027C

    # hostname where GHost++ is located
    # Garena clients connecting via gcb will connect to whatever game is hosted by GHost++
    gcb_tcp_host =

    # GHost++ host port(s)
    # To specify a list, do something like:
    # gcb_tcp_port = 6112, 6113, 6114
    gcb_tcp_port = 6113

    # whether to enable debug for TCP connections (will generate lots of output!)
    gcb_tcp_debug = false

    # whether to buffer the TCP output to GHost++ to check for name spoofing and other things
    gcb_tcp_outbuffer = true

    # whether to buffer the TCP output from GHost++
    # this will read entire W3GS packets at a time instead of fragments
    gcb_tcp_localbuffer = true

    # names to reserve when connecting to GHost++
    # To specify a list, do something like:
    # gcb_tcp_reservednames = ownername, rootadminname, Open, Closed
    gcb_tcp_reservednames = Open, Closed

    # plugins to automatically load at startup
    # You must put the fully qualified name of the plugin (includes package)
    # To specify a list, do something like:
    # gcb_plugins = gcb.examples.hello, awesome.myplugin, awesome.myplugin2
    gcb_plugins =

    # the port to listen for Warcraft III game broadcasts
    # you shouldn't have to change this
    gcb_broadcastport = 6112

    # gcb will rebroadcast packets captured from gcb_broadcastport to the following ports
    # Use if you wish to run multiple instances of gcb. gcb_broadcastport must be modified as well.
    # example: gcb_rebroadcast = 6113, 6114
    # gcb_rebroadcast =

    # if enabled, gcb will filter received UDP packets on gcb_broadcastport
    # Specifically, only valid W3GS_GAMEINFO packets with addr=gcb_tcp_host and port in gcb_tcp_port will be passed on
    # Note that this does not affect gcb_rebroadcast functionality (all UDP packets will be rebroadcasted)
    gcb_broadcastfilter = true

    # filtering IP address doesn't seem to work very well for local address; filter anyway?
    gcb_broadcastfilter_ip = false

    # if enabled, gcb will create a random entry key to send to Garena users
    # This way, the actual LAN entry key will be invisible to them
    gcb_broadcastfilter_key = true

    # if enabled, gcb will cache UDP packets
    # This saves bandwidth because we only send these packets when user requests through SEARCHGAME packet
    # Note: gcb_broadcastfilter_key must be enabled for this to work because of implementation
    gcb_broadcastfilter_cache = true

    # how often to reconnect to Garena (in minutes)
    # Might be necessary if running gcb for extended periods of time
    # Default value is disabled
    gcb_reconnect_interval = -1

    # whether to enable GCBI protocol
    # GCBI sends information about the joining Garena user to GHost++
    # Requires a patch in GHost++, however
    gcb_enablegcbi = false

    # use command line interface
    gcb_bot_commandline = false


    # your Garena username
    garena1_username = hakers_bot

    # your Garena password
    garena1_password = ******************

    # the main host (login server) to use
    garena1_mainhost = con3.garenaconnect.com

    # the room gcb should join (if gcb_roomid and gcb_roomhost are not set)
    # note that not set means the option must be commented out
    # you should use gcb_roomid and gcb_roomhost if at all possible
    # also, using gcb_roomname may not work if there is more than room with that name
    garena1_roomname = Russia RPG Room 19 (Blood Way) (1.26a)

    # the room ID gcb should join
    # See README for details on how to find this.
    garena1_roomid = 196818

    # the room host for gcb_roomid
    # See README for details on how to find this.
    garena1_roomhost =

    # the room password; leave uncommented or blank to not set one
    # garena1_roompassword =

    # the GP2PP port
    # each Garena connection should use a different port
    # in some cases you might have to forward this port (UDP) on router
    garena1_peerport = 5005


    ### The options below control the properties of gcb's
    ### virtual TCP over UDP connection algorithm. Tweaking
    ### them is not recommended for normal users because
    ### the defaults should give optimal performance.
    ### However, on some systems or configurations, other
    ### values might be better.
    ### Times are all set in milliseconds for this section.

    # the maximum number of packets to buffer before we stop sending packets
    # packets are only removed from the buffer when they are acknowledged by the remote end
    # 0 disables this function
    # a larger value is recommended if there is a greater ping
    gcb_tcp_maxbufferedpackets = 20

    # Delay in milliseconds for standard retransmission of packets
    # If an acknowledgement packet is not sent for this delay, then the packet will be retransmitted
    # Note that gcb will dynamically determine the actual standard retransmission delay, this is only the first value
    gcb_tcp_standarddelay = 3000

    # timeout on packets sent from local connection until we do standard retransmission
    gcb_tcp_sotimeout = 1000

    # the alpha value used to calculate smoothed round trip time
    # a higher value will change more quickly to new round trip time calculations
    gcb_tcp_srttalpha = 0.125

    # the beta value used to calculate smoothed round trip time
    # this has same function as alpha, but for the _variation_ in the SRTT
    gcb_tcp_srttbeta = 0.25

    # the minimim round trip time
    gcb_tcp_srttlower = 10

    # the maximum round trip time
    gcb_tcp_srttupper = 60000

    # the clock granularity
    gcb_tcp_srttg = 20

    # the K value, should be 4
    gcb_tcp_srttk = 4


    # whether to enable REVERSE or not
    # REVERSE changes the function of gcb so that you can join other Garena client's games
    # This should help with playing over Garena on unsupported systems, such as Linux
    # It functions quite similarly to GProxy++, although currently support for reconnection is not planned
    # Note that gcb is incompatible with REVERSE, so this will automatically disable gcb; gcb_bot can still be enabled
    gcb_reverse = false

    # your Warcraft III version; Garena seems to change the war3version, so gcb changes it back
    # For example, if your room uses 1.24d, write
    # gcb_reverse_war3version = 24
    gcb_reverse_war3version = 26

    # the starting port to host local games on
    # gcb hosts games on LAN
    # Once you connect to the game, gcb will route packets between you and the Garena remote server
    # Note that one port for each LAN game is necessary (see gcb_reverse_num for more details)
    gcb_reverse_port = 6112

    # the number of LAN games to host
    # gcb will create this many server sockets
    # Every time gcb receives a GAMEINFO broadcast, it will host on the next available server
    # The ports start at gcb_reverse_port and go up from there
    # If gcb_reverse_port = 6112 and gcb_reverse_num = 5, then the last port will be 6116
    gcb_reverse_num = 4

    # the hostname to send UDP packets received from Garena to
    # For example, if you want to use Warcraft III only on your own computer, then set
    # gcb_reverse_target =
    # If you want the entire LAN to receive broadcast packets from this gcb, then set
    # gcb_reverse_target =
    gcb_reverse_target =


    # whether to enable LAN FIX or not
    # LAN FIX is necessary if you wish to communicate with Garena clients on the same LAN as you
    # LAN FIX is only intended for testing purposes; LAN Garena clients can connect to GHost++ over LAN instead of through gcb
    # Note that if LAN FIX is on, game names to all users will be renamed and will contain a 'w'
    # This is to differentiate for LAN users between joining the LAN game and joining through gcb
    gcb_lanfix = false

    # the Garena username of the LAN Garena client
    gcb_lanfix_username = garena

    # the internal IP address of the LAN Garena client
    gcb_lanfix_ip =

    # the GP2PP port of the LAN Garena client
    gcb_lanfix_port = 1513


    # whether to run gcb_bot
    # if set to true, gcb_bot will run
    gcb_bot = false

    # whether to disable gcb (only if gcb_bot is enabled)
    gcb_bot_disable = true

    # whether you have channel admin
    # disables commands and features that require channel admin access if false
    gcb_bot_channel_admin = false

    # whether to ban user from room when using ban command; only works if you also have channel admin
    gcb_bot_room_ban = false

    # whether to unban user from room when using unban command; only works if you also have channel admin
    gcb_bot_room_unban = false

    # any string representing this bot's owner or organization
    gcb_bot_owner =

    # root admin; leave blank to disable root
    gcb_bot_root =

    # the bot trigger
    gcb_bot_trigger = .

    # time in milliseconds to wait after a chat message is sent, before sending another message
    gcb_bot_delay = 500

    # time in milliseconds a public user must wait before bot will respond to another command
    gcb_bot_publicdelay = 3000

    # realm; only used in GHost++ and GHostOne databases
    gcb_bot_realm =

    # GHost++ botid to target; only used in GHost++ extended databases
    gcb_bot_id = 0

    # what to do when banned word/phrase is detected
    # 0 = nothing, 1 = warn, 2 = kick, 3 = ban
    gcb_bot_detect = 0

    # if gcb_bot_detect is 3, how many days to ban for
    gcb_bot_detect_ban_length = 999

    # announcement when banned word/phrase is detected; only if gcb_bot_detect is true
    gcb_bot_detect_announcement = Banned word/phrase detected

    # message to display when a user does not have access to a command; leave blank to disable this functionality
    gcb_bot_access_message = You do not have access to this command

    # message to send to public user when they join the room
    gcb_bot_welcome_message = Welcome

    # whether to allow public commands
    gcb_bot_publiccommands = false

    # whether to have announcements when a ranked user enters the room
    gcb_bot_user_join_announcement = false

    # whether to whisper a message to a public user when they join the room
    gcb_bot_public_join_message = false

    # any string representing current DotA version used in the room
    gcb_bot_dota_version = 6.72f

    # any string representing current Warcraft 3 version used in the room
    gcb_bot_warcraft_version = 1.24e /

    # show user's IP address in whoami/whois
    gcb_bot_showip = false

    # interval between each automatic message in seconds; will only be used if there is at least 1 message
    gcb_bot_auto_ann_interval = 120

    # kick players out of the room if they are not within level range or are safelist rank or higher
    gcb_bot_entry_level = false

    # level range for players entering room, only if gcb_bot_entry_level is set to true
    gcb_bot_min_level = 10
    gcb_bot_max_level = 60

    # whether to check if players are bypassing flood protection i.e. using cracked garena
    gcb_bot_check_same_message = false

    # whether to enable trivia plugin command aliases
    gcb_bot_trivia_plugin_alias = true

    # command aliases
    gcb_bot_alias_commands = commands, command, cmd, cmds, c
    gcb_bot_alias_addadmin = addadmin, aa, adda
    gcb_bot_alias_addexaminer = addexaminer, ae, adde
    gcb_bot_alias_addvip = addvip, av, addv
    gcb_bot_alias_addsafelist = addsafelist, as, adds
    gcb_bot_alias_ban = ban, b
    gcb_bot_alias_roomban = roomban, rb
    gcb_bot_alias_botban = botban, bb
    gcb_bot_alias_unban = unban, ub
    gcb_bot_alias_kick = kick, k
    gcb_bot_alias_quickick = quickkick, qk
    gcb_bot_alias_addautoannounce = addautoannounce, aaa
    gcb_bot_alias_delautoannounce = delautoannounce, daa
    gcb_bot_alias_setautoannounceinterval = setautoannounceinterval, saai
    gcb_bot_alias_announce = announce, ann
    gcb_bot_alias_say = say, s
    gcb_bot_alias_whisper = whisper, w
    gcb_bot_alias_clear = clear, c
    gcb_bot_alias_promote = promote, p
    gcb_bot_alias_demote = demote, d
    gcb_bot_alias_findip = findip, fip
    gcb_bot_alias_version = version, v
    gcb_bot_alias_uptime = uptime, ut, upt
    gcb_bot_alias_roomstats = roomstats, roomstat, rs
    gcb_bot_alias_banword = banword, bw
    gcb_bot_alias_unbanword = unbanword, ubw
    gcb_bot_alias_allstaff = allstaff, alls
    gcb_bot_alias_staff = staff, staf, stf, st
    gcb_bot_alias_mute = mute, m
    gcb_bot_alias_unmute = unmute, um
    gcb_bot_alias_random = random, r
    gcb_bot_alias_traceuser = traceuser, tu
    gcb_bot_alias_traceip = traceip, tip
    gcb_bot_alias_checkuserip = checkuserip, cui, cuip
    gcb_bot_alias_creater = creater, creator
    gcb_bot_alias_getpromote = getpromote, getpromotes, gp
    gcb_bot_alias_status = status, stat
    gcb_bot_alias_getunban = getunban, getunbans, gub
    gcb_bot_alias_baninfo = baninfo, bi
    gcb_bot_alias_kickinfo = kickinfo, ki
    gcb_bot_alias_help = help, h
    gcb_bot_alias_whoiisuid = whoisuid, whouid, wuid, wid, finduid
    gcb_bot_alias_multiban = multiban, mban, mb

    gcb_bot_alias_trivia on = trivia on, t on
    gcb_bot_alias_trivia off = trivia off, t off
    gcb_bot_alias_delay = delay, del, dly, dl
    gcb_bot_alias_category = category, cat, ca
    gcb_bot_alias_difficulty = difficulty, dif, diff
    gcb_bot_alias_top = top, tp
    gcb_bot_alias_score = score, sc


    # whether to check if a user is spamming
    gcb_bot_spam = false

    # how many new lines (enter key) the user can have per message without receiving a warning
    gcb_bot_spam_warn_lines = 5

    # number of new lines (enter key) the user can have per message without being autokicked
    gcb_bot_spam_max_lines = 15

    # how many equality signs ('<' and '>') the user can have per message without receiving a warning
    gcb_bot_spam_warn_equality = 16

    # number of equality signs ('<' and '>') the user can have per message without being autokicked
    gcb_bot_spam_max_equality = 40

    # number of warnings for the user to be kicked; can not be set to less than 3
    gcb_bot_spam_kick = 5


    # interval between synchronising MySQL database and bot in seconds
    gcb_bot_refresh_rate = 60

    # gcb_bot database settings
    # login information
    gcb_bot_db_username = root
    gcb_bot_db_password = 1

    # JDBC hostname
    # Format should be: jdbc:mysql://hostname/databasename
    gcb_bot_db_host = jdbc:mysql://localhost/ghost

    # database type
    # gcb: database created by gcb install.sql script
    # ghostone: GHostOne database
    # ghost++: GHost++ database (will not support safelist)
    # ghost_extended: GHost++ database with safelist table and commands through MySQL modification
    gcb_bot_db_type = ghostone

    Порты в боте:
    bot_hostport = 6113
    udp_cmdport = 6969
    admingame_port = 6119
    db_mysql_port = 3306

    Как выглядит у друга:

    Есть у кого какие идеи?Буду крайне признателен.

    З.Ы Что с codelain.com?При попытке зайти на форум, требует пароль, из-за чего многие ссылки по настройке gcb попросту не удалось открыть.

    З.Ы 2 Если получится настроить, подружиться ли гарена с капом на одной машине?Заходить буду с пг.
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