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Недопереведенный файл языка

Тема в разделе 'Основные вопросы', создана пользователем Gh0st_one, 29 июл 2010.

  1. Gh0st_one Знакомый модера

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one 1.7.266
    Люди недавно рылся в файле с языком и обнаружил что не всё там переведено! вот смотрите:
    lang_0207 = Unable to create game [$GAMENAME$]. You must use the "enforcesg" command before hosting a saved game.
    lang_0208 = Unable to load replays outside the current directory.
    lang_0209 = Loading replay [$FILE$].
    lang_0210 = Unable to load replay [$FILE$] because it doesn't exist.
    lang_0211 = Command trigger: $TRIGGER$
    lang_0212 = You can't end that game because the game owner [$OWNER$] is still playing.
    lang_0213 = You can't unhost that game because the game owner [$OWNER$] is in the lobby. 
    lang_0214 = was automatically dropped after $SECONDS$ seconds
    lang_0215 = has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect
    lang_0216 = has lost the connection (connection error - $ERROR$) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect
    lang_0217 = has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect
    lang_0218 = Please wait for me to reconnect ($SECONDS$ seconds remain).
    lang_0219 = was unrecoverably dropped from GProxy++
    lang_0220 = Player [$NAME$] reconnected with GProxy++!  
    lang_0500 = User [$VICTIM$] was banned on server [$SERVER$] on $DATE$ by [$ADMIN$] because [$REASON$] until $EXPIREDATE$ [$DAYSREMAINING$ days].
    lang_0501 = You currently have [$WARNNUM$ warns] on this bot for not playing by the rules. Don't forget : Too many warns result in a BAN.
    lang_0502 = Warned user [$VICTIM$] on server [$SERVER$] - he now has $WARNNUM$ active warns.
    lang_0503 = Error warning user [$VICTIM$] on server [$SERVER$].
    lang_0504 = Unable to warn player [$VICTIM$]. No matches found.
    lang_0505 = Player [$VICTIM$] was warned by player [$USER$] - he now has $WARNNUM$ active warns.
    lang_0506 = Unable to warn player [$VICTIM$]. Found more than one match.
    lang_0507 = Unwarned user [$VICTIM$] on all realms.
    lang_0508 = Error unwarning user [$VICTIM$] on all realms.
    lang_0509 = Banned user [$VICTIM$] for the next [$BANDAYTIME$] days for reaching the warn quota.
    lang_0510 = Banned user [$VICTIM$] for reaching the warn quota.
    lang_0511 = Incorrect command syntax!
    lang_0512 = Banned user [$VICTIM$] on server [$SERVER$] for the next [$BANDAYTIME$] days.
    lang_0513 = User [$VICTIM$] is not warned on any server.
    lang_0514 = User [$VICTIM$] has the [$WARNNUM$] active warns: 
    lang_0515 = User [$VICTIM$] was banned for the warns: 
    lang_0516 = Cannot turn on automated warns; they are disabled.
    lang_0517 = Automated warns turned on for this game.
    lang_0518 = Automated warns turned off for this game.
    lang_0519 = Player [$VICTIM$] was banned by player [$USER$] for the next [$BANDAYTIME$] days.
    lang_0984 = Shaman $USER$ has joined the channel.
    lang_0985 = Chieftain $USER$ has joined the channel.
    lang_0986 = Safe listed player $USER$ has joined the channel.
    lang_0987 = Admin $USER$ has joined the channel.
    lang_0988 = Rootadmin $USER$ has joined the channel.
    lang_0989 = $USER$ muted for $TIME$ seconds for having a foul mouth
    lang_0990 = $USER$ is not safelisted
    lang_0991 = $USER$ is safelisted
    lang_0992 = $USER$ is now safelisted
    lang_0993 = $USER$ is no longer safelisted
    lang_0994 = $REASON$ after $TIME$ in "$GAME$" $TEAMS$ on ($DATE$)
    lang_0995 = $USER$, $TOTALGAMES$ games Rank: $RANK$ Score: $SCORE$ (Win: $WPG$%) Hero KDA: $KPG$/$DPG$/$APG$ Creep KD: $CKPG$/$CDPG$ NTRC: $NKPG$/$TKPG$/$RKPG$/$CouKPG$
    lang_0996 = Player [$USER$] is no longer muted.
    lang_0997 = Player [$USER$] has been muted.
    lang_0998 = Autokicking player [$VICTIM$], $PROVIDER$ not allowed.
    lang_0999 = Autokicking player [$VICTIM$], $COUNTRY$ not allowed.
    lang_1000 = $USER$, $TOTALGAMES$ games (Win: $WPG$%) Hero KDA: $KPG$/$DPG$/$APG$ Creep KD: $CKPG$/$CDPG$ NTRC: $NKPG$/$TKPG$/$RKPG$/$CouKPG$
    lang_1001 = Player [$NAME$] was kicked for not having the required score rating [$SCORE$]/[$REQSCORE$].
    lang_1002 = $USER$ - $NOTE$
    lang_1003 = $USER$ isn't noted.
    lang_1004 = $USER$ is now noted.
    lang_1005 = Changed $USER$'s note.
    lang_1006 = $USER$ is no longer noted.
    у кого нибудь есть файл языка с полным переводом? и почему так? видно поленились переводчики... :)
  2. Awful Знакомый модера

    ;D А ты не ленишься, написав свой пост?
  3. Gh0st_one Знакомый модера

    Сборка бота GHost:
    Ghost one 1.7.266
    xDDDD i don`t now english ;DDD
  4. Synth (LM) Пантограф!

    Сборка бота GHost:
    My own version of GhostOne
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
    Эти строки все переводят сами... Зачем тебе вообще это?