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Ghost++ Не могу зайти в свою игру

Тема в разделе 'Основные вопросы', создана пользователем zend, 16 июн 2012.

  1. zend Ньюфаг

    Не могу зайти в игру, которую создал Ghost++ (другие тоже не могут войти). Выкидывает

    Вот лог
    [Wed Aug 27 14:06:38 2003] [GAME: new] deleting player [User]: doesn't have the map and there is no local copy of the map to send
    cfg Dota v 6.74c сделал через ghost One.

    ### the log file
    bot_log = ghost.log
    bot_logmethod = 1
    bot_language = language_russian.cfg
    ### the path to your local Warcraft III directory
    ###  this path must contain war3.exe, storm.dll, and game.dll
    ###  if this path contains War3Patch.mpq the bot will attempt to extract "Scripts\common.j" and "Scripts\blizzard.j" on startup and write them to bot_mapcfgpath (which is defined later in this file)
    ###  common.j and blizzard.j are only required for automatically calculating map_crc, you do not need them if your map config files already contain map_crc
    bot_war3path = D:\Games\Warcraft III
    bot_tft = 1
    bot_bindaddress =
    bot_hostport = 6113
    bot_reconnect = 0
    bot_reconnectport = 6114
    bot_reconnectwaittime = 3
    bot_maxgames = 10
    bot_commandtrigger = !
    bot_mapcfgpath = mapcfgs
    bot_savegamepath = savegames
    bot_mappath = maps
    ### whether to save replays or not
    bot_savereplays = 0
    ### the path to the directory where you want GHost++ to save replays
    bot_replaypath = replays
    ### the Warcraft 3 version to save replays as
    replay_war3version = 26
    ### the Warcraft 3 build number to save replays as (this is specific to each Warcraft 3 version)
    ###  patch 1.23:  war3version 23, buildnumber 6058
    ###  patch 1.24:  war3version 24, buildnumber 6059
    ###  patch 1.24b: war3version 24, buildnumber 6059
    replay_buildnumber = 6059
    ### the bot's virtual host name as it appears in the game lobby
    ###  colour codes are defined by the sequence "|cFF" followed by a six character hexadecimal colour in RRGGBB format (e.g. 0000FF for pure blue)
    ###  the virtual host name cannot be longer than 15 characters including the colour code, if you try to go over this limit GHost++ will use the default virtual host name
    bot_virtualhostname = |cFF4080C0Bot
    ### whether to hide each player's IP address from other players or not
    bot_hideipaddresses = 0
    ### whether to check for multiple IP address usage or not
    bot_checkmultipleipusage = 1
    ### whether to do automatic spoof checks or not
    ###  you can always manually spoof check by whispering the bot (and in fact this is required before running admin commands)
    ###  set to 0 to disable automatic spoof checks
    ###  set to 1 to enable automatic spoof checks on all players
    ###  set to 2 to enable automatic spoof checks on potential admins only
    bot_spoofchecks = 2
    bot_requirespoofchecks = 0
    bot_reserveadmins = 1
    bot_refreshmessages = 0
    bot_autolock = 0
    bot_autosave = 0
    bot_allowdownloads = 1
    bot_pingduringdownloads = 0
    ### the maximum number of players allowed to download the map at the same time
    bot_maxdownloaders = 3
    ### the maximum combined download speed of all players downloading the map (in KB/sec)
    bot_maxdownloadspeed = 100
    ### use LC style pings (divide actual pings by two)
    bot_lcpings = 1
    ### auto kick players with ping higher than this
    bot_autokickping = 400
    bot_banmethod = 1
    ### the IP blacklist file
    bot_ipblacklistfile = ipblacklist.txt
    ### automatically close the game lobby if a reserved player (or admin) doesn't join it for this many minutes
    ###  games which are set to automatically start when enough players join are exempt from this limit (e.g. autohosted games)
    bot_lobbytimelimit = 10
    ### the game latency
    ###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !latency command (which enforces a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 500)
    bot_latency = 20
    ### the maximum number of packets a player is allowed to get out of sync by before starting the lag screen
    ###  before version 8.0 GHost++ did not have a lag screen which is the same as setting this to a very high number
    ###  this can always be changed for a particular game with the !synclimit command (which enforces a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 10000)
    bot_synclimit = 50
    ### whether votekicks are allowed or not
    bot_votekickallowed = 1
    bot_votekickpercentage = 100
    ### the default map config (the ".cfg" will be added automatically if you leave it out)
    bot_defaultmap = DotA v6.74c.cfg
    bot_motdfile = motd.txt
    ### the gameloaded file
    ###  the first 8 lines of this file will be displayed when the game finished loading (after the player loading times are displayed)
    bot_gameloadedfile = gameloaded.txt
    ### the gameover file
    ###  the first 8 lines of this file will be displayed when the game is over
    ###  this only works when using a stats class - note: at the time of this writing the only stats class is for DotA maps
    bot_gameoverfile = gameover.txt
    bot_localadminmessages = 1
    tcp_nodelay = 0
    bot_matchmakingmethod = 1
    ### whether to create the admin game or not (see readme.txt for more information)
    admingame_create = 0
    ### the port GHost++ will host the admin game on (this must be different from your bot_hostport)
    admingame_port = 6113
    ### the admin game password
    admingame_password =
    admingame_map =
    ### the Warcraft 3 version to use when broadcasting LAN games
    lan_war3version = 26
    udp_broadcasttarget =
    ### the UDP "don't route" flag
    udp_dontroute = 0
    ### this section of the config file is for enabling autohost when the bot starts up without having to issue a command
    ### you can activate the autohost feature without changing anything here by using the !autohost command
    autohost_maxgames = 0
    autohost_startplayers = 0
    autohost_gamename =
    autohost_owner =
    db_type = pvpgn
    ### sqlite3 database configuration
    ###  this is only used if your database type is SQLite
    db_sqlite3_file = ghost.dbs
    ### mysql database configuration
    ###  this is only used if your database type is MySQL
    db_mysql_server = localhost
    db_mysql_database = pvpgn
    db_mysql_user = adm
    db_mysql_password = 123123
    db_mysql_port = 0
    ### the bot ID is included each time the bot adds data to the MySQL database
    ### it is used to identify where each row of data came from when you configure multiple bots to connect to the same MySQL database
    ### GHost++ does not use the bot ID number itself, it's just to help you keep track of the data in your database
    db_mysql_botid = 1
    bnet_server =
    servers or it will use the actual server address
    bnet_serveralias =
    ### your Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD key
    ### you cannot use the same CD key here that you yourself use to login to battle.net if you plan to login at the same time as your bot
    ### your Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne CD key
    ### you cannot use the same CD key here that you yourself use to login to battle.net if you plan to login at the same time as your bot
    bnet_locale = system
    ### your battle.net username
    ### you cannot use the same username here that you yourself use to login to battle.net if you plan to login at the same time as your bot
    bnet_username = Bot
    ### your battle.net password
    bnet_password = 123123
    ### the first channel to join upon entering battle.net
    bnet_firstchannel = Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne
    ### the root admins on this battle.net server only
    ###  seperate each name with a space, e.g. bnet_rootadmin = Varlock Kilranin Instinct121
    bnet_rootadmin = SPGM-Diablowx
    ### command trigger for this battle.net server only
    bnet_commandtrigger = !
    ### whether to automatically add your friends list to each game's reserved list
    bnet_holdfriends = 1
    ### whether to automatically add your clan members list to each game's reserved list
    bnet_holdclan = 1
    ### whether to allow anonymous users (non admins) to use public commands such as !stats and !statsdota on this battle.net connection
    ### if you are having trouble with spammers causing your bot to flood the server you should disable this
    bnet_publiccommands = 1
    ### BNLS server information for Warden handling (see readme.txt for more information)
    ###  you will need to use a valid BNLS server here if you are connecting to an official battle.net realm or you will be disconnected every two minutes
    bnet_bnlsserver = localhost
    bnet_bnlsport = 6113
    bnet_bnlswardencookie = 1
    ### you will need to edit this section of the config file if you're connecting to a PVPGN server
    ###  your PVPGN server operator will tell you what to put here
    bnet_custom_war3version = 26
    bnet_custom_exeversion =
    bnet_custom_exeversionhash =
    bnet_custom_passwordhashtype = pvpgn
    bnet_custom_pvpgnrealmname = PvPGN Realm
    ### example configuration for connecting to a second official battle.net server
    # bnet2_server = uswest.battle.net
    # bnet2_serveralias = USWest
    # bnet2_locale = system
    # bnet2_username =
    # bnet2_password =
    # bnet2_firstchannel = The Void
    # bnet2_rootadmin =
    # bnet2_commandtrigger = !
    # bnet2_holdfriends = 1
    # bnet2_holdclan = 1
    # bnet2_publiccommands = 1
    # bnet2_bnlsserver = localhost
    # bnet2_bnlsport = 6113
    # bnet2_bnlswardencookie = 2
  2. GHost++ Ньюфаг

    Сборка бота GHost:
    GHost++ 17.1
    Тебе в ближайшее время никто не поможет (кроме главного Администратора), потому, что, форум только проапгрейдился, у всех перенесённых пользователей нет прав на создание топиков, сообщений, приваток, пропали все лайки, нельзя ставить аватарки, пропала тема про PHP статистику и пр.

    Лог показывает, что игрок пытается скачать карту, а карты на боте нет в директории [maps].

    Конфиг для карты катит в том случае, если у всех игроков есть карта.
    map_localpath = DotA v6.74c.w3x
    map_path = Maps\Download\DotA v6.74c.w3x
    map_size = 12 93 125 0
    map_info = 166 173 123 12
    map_crc = 226 241 142 134
    map_sha1 = 254 25 231 241 113 209 228 6 139 151 225 38 179 199 30 30 136 156 164 240
    map_speed = 3
    map_visibility = 4
    map_observers = 4
    map_flags = 2
    map_filter_maker = 1
    map_filter_type = 2
    map_filter_size = 2
    map_filter_obs = 4
    map_options = 96
    map_width = 118 0
    map_height = 120 0
    map_type = dota
    map_matchmakingcategory = dota_elo
    map_defaulthcl = apem
    map_defaultplayerscore =
    map_loadingame = 0
    map_numplayers = 10
    map_numteams = 2
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 1 100
    map_slot11 = 0 255 1 0 12 12 96 1 100
    map_slot12 = 0 255 1 0 12 12 96 1 100
  3. evilmaker Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    brtghost rev.185
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
    # map file for DotA v6.74c.w3x #
    # the map path tells Warcraft III clients where to find the map on their system
    # it is NOT the path to the map on the GHost++ system, in fact GHost++ doesn't need the map at all
    map_path = Maps\Download\DotA v6.74c.w3x
    map_size = 188 38 127 0
    map_info = 102 217 48 5
    map_crc = 226 241 142 134
    map_sha1 = 254 25 231 241 113 209 228 6 139 151 225 38 179 199 30 30 136 156 164 240
    # map speed
    # 1 = slow
    # 2 = normal
    # 3 = fast
    map_speed = 3
    # map visibility
    # 1 = hide terrain
    # 2 = explored
    # 3 = always visible
    # 4 = default
    map_visibility = 4
    # map observers
    # 1 = none
    # 2 = on defeat
    # 3 = allowed
    # 4 = referees
    map_observers = 1
    # map flags
    #  - you can combine these flags by adding together all the options you want to use
    #  - for example to have teams together and fixed teams you would use "3"
    # 1 = teams together
    # 2 = fixed teams
    # 4 = unit share
    # 8 = random hero
    # 16 = random races
    map_flags = 3
    # map game type
    # 1 = custom
    map_gametype = 1
    # map dimensions
    map_width = 118 0
    map_height = 120 0
    # map players and teams
    map_numplayers = 10
    map_numteams = 2
    # slot structure
    #  [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
    #  - PID is always 0
    #  - Download Status is always 255
    #  - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
    #  - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
    #  - Team
    #  - Colour
    #  - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
    #  - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
    #  - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100
    map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 4 1 100
    map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 4 1 100
    map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 4 1 100
    map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 4 4 1 100
    map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 0 5 4 1 100
    map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 8 1 100
    map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 8 8 1 100
    map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 9 8 1 100
    map_slot9 = 0 255 0 0 1 10 8 1 100
    map_slot10 = 0 255 0 0 1 11 8 1 100
    # map type (for map specific stats)
    map_type = dota
    map_matchmakingcategory = dota_elo
    map_statsw3mmdcategory = 
    # map local path (for map downloads)
    #  GHost++ doesn't require map files but if it has access to them it can send them to players
    #  GHost++ will search bot_mappath + map_localpath for the map file (bot_mappath is set in the main config file)
    map_localpath = DotA v6.74c.w3x
  4. Synth (LM) Пантограф!

    Сборка бота GHost:
    My own version of GhostOne
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус
  5. evilmaker Старожила

    Сборка бота GHost:
    brtghost rev.185
    Дата начала использования бота:
    Мой статус