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PvPGN нужна помощь

Тема в разделе 'Общение', создана пользователем EinKRieGeR, 19 апр 2010.

  1. EinKRieGeR Ньюфаг

    Итак, что имеется: адсл модем (внешний, внутренний, локалка между ним и компьютером (ip компьютера

    не могу настроить w3router в address_translation - постоянно пишет no match found
    настройка client tranclation вроде работает. Если не настраивать трансляцию будет только ошибка not translated

    в игре видно созданные карты (как мои так и друзей, локальной связи между нами нет) но зайти в игру невозможно

    лог из PvPGN

    Apr 19 13:40:56 [info ] accountlist_create: started creating accountlist
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "var\users/EinKRieGeR"
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "var\users/Kelvin"
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "var\users/LAKI"
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "var\users/MapBot"
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [info ] accountlist_load_all: loaded 4 user accounts in 0 seconds
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [info ] tracker_set_servers: tracking packets will be sent to
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [info ] aliasfile_load: done loading aliases
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] trans_load: Adding Host ->, Output ->, Network - (exclude)
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] trans_load: Adding Host ->, Output ->, Network - (include)
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [debug] trans_load: Adding Host ->, Output ->, Network - (include)
    Apr 19 13:40:56 [info ] trans_load: trans file loaded
    Apr 19 13:40:57 [info ] _setup_listensock: listening for bnet connections on TCP
    Apr 19 13:40:57 [info ] _setup_listensock: listening for w3route connections on TCP
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 0, now: 1271644866, now-lc: 1271644866.
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] sd_accept: [520] accepted connection from on
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] conn_create: [520][508] sessionkey=0x4bcbda8b sessionnum=0x00000000
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] sd_accept: [520] client connected to a bnet listening address
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] handle_init_packet: [520] client initiated bnet connection
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [trace] conn_shutdown: [520] connection allready closed
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [508] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [508] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [520] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0x012c(+300) lcid=1033 langid=1033 arch="IX86" client="W3XP" versionid=0x00000018 gamelang="enUS"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [520] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "United States" "USA"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [520] setting client arch to "IX86"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [520] setting client type to "W3XP"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [520] setting client gamelang to "enUS"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [520] selecting version check
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [520] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [508] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_authreq109: [520] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x07cb01dc, verstr= exeinfo="war3.exe 04/10/10 13:40:58 471040" versionid=0x00000018 gameversion=0x011804f3 checksum=0xde4443c5
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] versioncheck_validate: no match in list, setting to: W3XP
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_authreq109: [520] unable to test client, allowing anyway
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_authreq109: [520] client matches versiontag "W3XP"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_authreq109: [520] no upgrade for W3XP is available
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "var\users/MapBot"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_loginreqw3: [520] (W3) "MapBot" passed account check
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_logonproofreq: [520] logon proof requested
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_logonproofreq: [520] (W3) "MapBot" logged in (right password)
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] account_get_highestladderlevel: Checking for highest level in Solo,Team,FFA,AT Ladder Stats
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [debug] account_get_highestladderlevel: Solo Level: 0, Team Level 0, FFA Level 0, Highest AT Team Level: 0
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] conn_update_w3_playerinfo: [520] PX3W
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_joinchannel: [520] CLIENT_JOINCHANNEL_CREATE channel "The Void"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] _client_joinchannel: [520] CLIENT_JOINCHANNEL_CREATE channel "The Void"
    Apr 19 13:41:06 [info ] conn_set_channel: [520] joined channel "The Void"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1271644866, now: 1271644872, now-lc: 6.
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] sd_accept: [524] accepted connection from on
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] conn_create: [524][508] sessionkey=0x4bcbc216 sessionnum=0x00000001
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] sd_accept: [524] client connected to a bnet listening address
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] handle_init_packet: [524] client initiated bnet connection
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [trace] conn_shutdown: [524] connection allready closed
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] conn_set_class: added latency check timer
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [508] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] handle_udp_packet: [508] got UDPTEST packet from (myself?)
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [524] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet tzbias=0xfffffd6c(-660) lcid=1049 langid=1049 arch="IX86" client="W3XP" versionid=0x00000018 gamelang="ruRU"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [524] COUNTRYINFO_109 packet from "Russia" "RUS"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] conn_set_archtag: [524] setting client arch to "IX86"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] conn_set_clienttag: [524] setting client type to "W3XP"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] conn_set_gamelang: [524] setting client gamelang to "ruRU"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [524] selecting version check
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] versioncheck_create: version check entry archtag=IX86, clienttag=W3XP
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [debug] _client_countryinfo109: [524] selected "IX86ver1.mpq" "A=3845581634 B=880823580 C=1363937103 4 A=A-S B=B-C C=C-A A=A-B"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_authreq109: [524] CLIENT_AUTHREQ_109 ticks=0x003a76a6, verstr= exeinfo="war3.exe 02/26/10 20:41:08 471040" versionid=0x00000018 gameversion=0x011804f3 checksum=0xde4443c5
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] versioncheck_validate: no match in list, setting to: W3XP
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_authreq109: [524] unable to test client, allowing anyway
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_authreq109: [524] client matches versiontag "W3XP"
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_authreq109: [524] no upgrade for W3XP is available
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [524] TOS requested: "termsofservice-ruRU.txt" - type = 0x01
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [524] TOS requested: "newaccount-ruRU.txt" - type = 0x02
    Apr 19 13:41:12 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [524] TOS requested: "chathelp-war3-ruRU.txt" - type = 0x03
    Apr 19 13:41:13 [info ] _client_fileinforeq: [524] TOS requested: "bnserver-WAR3.ini" - type = 0x05
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [debug] file_read_attrs: loading "var\users/EinKRieGeR"
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [info ] _client_loginreqw3: [524] (W3) "EinKRieGeR" passed account check
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [info ] _client_logonproofreq: [524] logon proof requested
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [info ] _client_logonproofreq: [524] (W3) "EinKRieGeR" logged in (right password)
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [debug] _client_anongame_infos: client_tag request tagid=(0x0) tag=(CLIENT_FINDANONGAME_INFOTAG_URL)  tag_unk=(0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [debug] _client_anongame_infos: client_tag request tagid=(0x1) tag=(CLIENT_FINDANONGAME_INFOTAG_MAP)  tag_unk=(0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [debug] _client_anongame_infos: client_tag request tagid=(0x2) tag=(CLIENT_FINDANONGAME_INFOTAG_TYPE) tag_unk=(0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [debug] _client_anongame_infos: client_tag request tagid=(0x3) tag=(CLIENT_FINDANONGAME_INFOTAG_DESC) tag_unk=(0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:18 [debug] _client_anongame_infos: client_tag request tagid=(0x4) tag=(CLIENT_FINDANONGAME_INFOTAG_LADR) tag_unk=(0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:22 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1159643166 news_time 1159643167
    Apr 19 13:41:26 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="W3XP" bngtype=0x0000e000 gtype=all
    Apr 19 13:41:26 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [524] GAMELISTREPLY sent 0 of 0 games
    Apr 19 13:41:34 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="W3XP" bngtype=0x0000e000 gtype=all
    Apr 19 13:41:34 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [524] GAMELISTREPLY sent 0 of 0 games
    Apr 19 13:41:35 [info ] handle_bnet: Told Mutual Friends your in game BotMap #1
    Apr 19 13:41:35 [debug] _client_startgame4: [520] got startgame4 status for game "BotMap #1" is 0x00000010 (gametype=0x2001 option=0x0049, flag=0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:35 [info ] game_create: game "BotMap #1" (pass "") type 1(UNKNOWN) startver 4 created
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [error] handle_udp_packet: [508] got unknown udp packet type 0x8330f7, len 131 from
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: GAMELISTREPLY looking for public games tag="W3XP" bngtype=0x0000e000 gtype=all
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] _glist_cb: [524] considering listing game="BotMap #1", pass="" clienttag="W3XP" gtype=1
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: entry does match input address
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: against entry -> output network
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] trans_net: translated to
    Apr 19 13:41:37 [debug] _client_gamelistreq: [524] GAMELISTREPLY sent 1 of 1 games
    Apr 19 13:41:39 [debug] _client_startgame4: [520] got startgame4 status for game "BotMap #1" is 0x00000010 (gametype=0x2001 option=0x0049, flag=0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:42 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [524] read returned -1 (closing connection)
    Apr 19 13:41:42 [info ] conn_destroy: [524] "EinKRieGeR" logged out
    Apr 19 13:41:42 [info ] conn_destroy: [524] closed bnet connection
    Apr 19 13:41:42 [error] handle_udp_packet: [508] got unknown udp packet type 0x8330f7, len 131 from
    Apr 19 13:41:43 [debug] _client_startgame4: [520] got startgame4 status for game "BotMap #1" is 0x00000010 (gametype=0x2001 option=0x0049, flag=0x0000)
    Apr 19 13:41:44 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [520] read returned -1 (closing connection)
    Apr 19 13:41:44 [debug] game_del_player: game "BotMap #1" has ref=1, count=1; trying to remove player "MapBot"
    Apr 19 13:41:44 [debug] game_del_player: removing player #0 "MapBot" from "BotMap #1", 0 players left
    Apr 19 13:41:44 [debug] game_del_player: player "MapBot" left without reporting (valid) results
    Apr 19 13:41:44 [debug] game_del_player: player deleted... (ref=1)
    Apr 19 13:41:44 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, reporting game
    Apr 19 13:41:45 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, destroying game
    Apr 19 13:41:45 [debug] game_destroy: game "BotMap #1" (count=1 ref=1) removed from list...
    Apr 19 13:41:45 [info ] game_destroy: game deleted
    Apr 19 13:41:45 [info ] conn_destroy: [520] "MapBot" logged out
    Apr 19 13:41:45 [info ] conn_destroy: [520] closed bnet connection

    помогите пожалуйста в настройке, с ботом я быстрее справился чем с сервером